July 26th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murray Chevrolet staff are always eager and informative

By Letter to the Editor on November 10th, 2022

Dear editor, My family has been and always will be loyal to Murray Chevrolet Cadillac, as we find all workers who are in your imply to be very sincere and very informative, any problems one may have with their vehicle, all are so glad to be helpful and explain very thoroughly to all customers. Whenever ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: It’s time we all settle down a bit

By Letter to the Editor on November 10th, 2022

Dear editor, People are angry but they are angry at the wrong things. The left is angry at the right and the right is angry at the left and that anger has metastasized into outright hate for those who think and vote differently than someone else. This hate has been growing for years and years ... Read More »

2 responses

Letter: A ‘wonderful and heartening visit’ highlighted by insightful conversations

By Letter to the Editor on November 8th, 2022

Dear editor, Visiting from Ottawa, a “Flash of winter” was turned into a “Harbinger of spring” by our experience in the Hat. Going to and coming from dinner we used the services of Care Cab, a local taxi company. The service was excellent by both drivers and the person with disabilities and a ¨walker” who ... Read More »

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Letter: Medicine Hat News should be welcoming byelection-based letters to the editor

By Letter to the Editor on November 3rd, 2022

Dear editor, A typical forum used by individuals to express their views has been taken away in the Brooks-Medicine Hat byelection. The Medicine Hat News suddenly decided not to print any byelection-related letters because “it would be impossible to reflect a balanced version of overall submissions, and the News doesn’t want to give the impression ... Read More »

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Letter: Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

By Letter to the Editor on October 26th, 2022

Dear editor, As the ages old adage says ‘Do not count your chickens before they are hatched’, that’s what I would advise Ukraine not to do. The recent military successes by the courageous and proud Ukrainian people, every last one of them, should/must result in serious and final successful negotiations with Putin’s Russia. Why should ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Unions have been essential to Alberta economy

By Letter to the Editor on October 20th, 2022

Dear editor, To an uninformed writer: The construction unions in Alberta built Suncor and Syncrude. In the 2000s we doubled the size of both, while building four other world-class facilities in the Fort Mc Murray area. All Alberta construction union labour, and with no strike contracts. This is where all the revenue comes from. Give ... Read More »

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Letter: Danielle Smith seems to have a conquer then divide approach

By Letter to the Editor on October 20th, 2022

Dear editor, Southeastern Alberta is no more the forgotten corner. Premier Danielle Smith, the newly elected UCP leader, aspires to be the next MLA for Brooks – Medicine Hat. This decision and her recent pronouncements are revealing about her style. She called this byelection to become a MLA. She stated that the convention is to ... Read More »

2 responses

Letter: Concrete islands on Carry Drive a hazard

By Letter to the Editor on October 19th, 2022

Dear editor, The two new centrally located raised-concrete islands on Carry Drive are, in my view, an unnecessary and potentially hazardous roadway addition. Traffic channelling could be achieved with painted markings, (as currently demonstrated by the newly painted road markings leading up to, surrounding, and behind the subject raised-concrete islands). Painted islands are also common ... Read More »

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Letter: AISH payments need more than reindexing

By Letter to the Editor on October 12th, 2022

Dear editor, The discussion about AISH in the political arena has been centred around reindexing, which is nice and should be done. But it is too little too late. There has not been a significant raise in AISH since Alison Redford was premier, and she stepped down in 2014. The current AISH is $1,685 per ... Read More »

4 responses

Letter: Article on Kenney a comedy of recorded errors

By Letter to the Editor on October 12th, 2022

Dear editor, On Oct. 4, the News carried a full page forensic analysis of Jason Kenney’s ignominious fall from grace. Even for me, a longtime critic and disparager of all things Kenney, I found the article a withering death sentence, not just for his career, but also for the party he created. The author, a ... Read More »

2 responses

Letter: Gambling with city money: ‘Risk and Reward’

By Letter to the Editor on October 12th, 2022

Dear editor, Bureaucrats and city administrators love innovation and “projects.” Projects justify their budgets. Projects enhance professional profiles. City council relies on bureaucratic expertise for project advice. But who is held to final account? Who is fired for bad advice? Will we ever know the true costs or returns of the Manyberries purchase? Speculation abounds. ... Read More »

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