July 26th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Sovereignty act highly problematic

By Letter to the Editor on December 14th, 2022

Dear editor, In response to the UCP’s proposed Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act. The UCP claims this Act will give their government the legal right to ignore federal laws they deem contrary to Alberta’s interests. It will not. What they claim to be able to do cannot be legally done under our Constitution. ... Read More »

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Letter: No scientists are citing single storms as proof climate is changing

By Letter to the Editor on December 14th, 2022

Dear editor, Dr. Daniel Schnee’s column “Climate reparations” in the Dec. 7 News is misleading readers about the work of climate scientists. Dr. Schnee says “no sane scientist can look at a single storm and infer that the climate is changing,” and he is right: no sane scientist would do that, but Schnee’s statement misleads ... Read More »

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Letter: Choose to act as responsible adults

By Letter to the Editor on December 8th, 2022

Dear editor, I totally agree with Mr. Bahnmiller’s Dec. 6 letter, the MLAs that followed Danielle Smith succeeded in still getting paid by us, the Alberta taxpayer. The taxpayer got stuck paying for someone in a party they did not vote for. Danielle Smith is premier, but not because of a democratic majority vote by ... Read More »

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Letter: Are governments elected by us actually for us?

By Letter to the Editor on December 7th, 2022

Dear editor, When viewed through the eyes of history, governments have always been designed by the powerful to protect the powerful. Take the U.S. Founding Fathers or the Fathers of Confederation in Canada. It is the same throughout the world, none of these men (the vast majority were men) were of the working class, they ... Read More »

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Letter: After a decade of no increases, more money for AISH is welcomed

By Letter to the Editor on December 6th, 2022

Dear editor, I would like to thank the new premier of Alberta for increasing AISH. After 10 years since the last increase in AISH she has increased it $102 and indexed to inflation. Of course, that means that people may be able to keep up with rent increases every year from now on. It will ... Read More »

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Letter: For the sake of the kids, act like adults

By Letter to the Editor on December 6th, 2022

Dear editor, An open letter to UCP MLAs: There was once an officer who was known throughout the military for his utter incompetence. Still, it was said that his men would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity. That is, they wanted to have a ringside seat when he made his next spectacular blunder. ... Read More »

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Letter: ‘Sincere thanks for returning my wallet’

By Letter to the Editor on December 6th, 2022

Dear editor, I wanted to thank the person in gratitude who returned my wallet today. There are people out there who are always willing to look out for others. My deepest thanks to you, I wish I could thank you in person. Adeel Azam Medicine Hat... Read More »

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Letter: Leaders need to keep Bible out of their rhetoric

By Letter to the Editor on November 30th, 2022

Dear Editor, Some politically far-right leaders misappropriate quotes from the Bible in order to make it sound like God wants Christians to be armed to the teeth with guns. They take peoples’ deeply held religious faith and weld it directly to a hardcore right-wing political agenda. They have the devout raising their hands and saying, ... Read More »

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Letter: Think of those fighting in Ukraine as we are fortunate enough to celebrate the festive season

By Letter to the Editor on November 24th, 2022

Dear editor, The Christmas season will be here shortly, then the New Year. Many people in the West are looking forward to this festive season and to better times, even though inflation, RSV, influenza and COVID-19 are still here. But, this optimism is not for all. Ukraine and its citizens would prefer the same, but ... Read More »

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Letter: Smith’s UCP must take action as illnesses rise

By Letter to the Editor on November 23rd, 2022

Dear editor, As Albertans hear more and more frequently about the combined wave of COVID, flu and RSV on our doorsteps, we hear silence from our provincial government… or worse. One of Premier Danielle Smith’s first actions in power was to ban school districts from protecting our children with masks. This was done without consultation ... Read More »

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Letter: Does Smith have the support of Albertans

By Letter to the Editor on November 16th, 2022

Dear editor, Danielle Smith is now the authentic premier of our province having finally been elected. Strange that she chose Brooks-Medicine Hat as, I’ll wager, she has no intent on living here or even visiting here in the near future. But does this victory suggest the voting public has given her or her party a ... Read More »

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