July 26th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Destruction of campaign signs unacceptable on either side

By Letter to the Editor on June 1st, 2023

Dear editor, My family moved to Medicine Hat seven years ago, and we have grown to love this city. During the recent election campaign, I have been distressed to witness the damage and destruction of political signs. I don’t care whose political signs they are, this is vandalism of property and has no place in ... Read More »

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Letter: Only you can prevent forest fires

By Letter to the Editor on May 16th, 2023

Dear editor, We’ve all been reading about the active fires in the province. There are families who have been evacuated and some that have lost their homes. How frightening, upsetting and most definitely stressful time for anyone who is affected by such a disaster. One cannot fathom how a person might truly feel if faced ... Read More »

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Letter: Reflecting on Good Friday

By Letter to the Editor on May 16th, 2023

Dear editor, Just reflecting back on the Good Friday service at the Cypress Centre. It was a packed building with so many people in unity, all there for with one purpose. The main theme of the preaching was bringing people together with only one focus on Jesus. Very nice to be in a crowd like ... Read More »

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Letter: Mother Goose & Grimm comic offside

By Letter to the Editor on March 29th, 2023

Re: Saturday’s Mother Goose & Grimm comic that portrayed the Virgin Mary with a football, and a defence worried about a “Hail Mary” pass. Dear editor, This is very bad, awful, offensive to religion, ugly, unpleasant, sinful to the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, in a comic strip with a football like this. That ... Read More »

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Letter: Take caution around city wildlife

By Letter to the Editor on March 29th, 2023

Dear editor, I am concerned with the safety of the people and wild animals within the city limits. It is only a matter of time until it will happen. Deer, moose, coyotes, cougars, badgers and maybe elk are here. With spring coming and the danger of animals protecting their young, someone is going to get ... Read More »

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Letter: Rise in societal intolerance concerning

By Letter to the Editor on March 22nd, 2023

Dear editor, Have you noticed an increase in the intolerance in society? March 6 was Black Ballon Day when members of Mom Stop the Harm remember their family members who have died from overdose. March 1 was the annual Disability Day of Mourning where the disability community holds vigils to recognize people murdered by their ... Read More »

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Letter: Understanding the cost of care

By Letter to the Editor on March 22nd, 2023

Dear editor, In the interest of preserving our universal health-care model, I think it imperative that each of us understand the cost of our care. Years ago itemized statements were issued, outlining each and every medical visit, procedure, etc. This was invaluable. Not only did it provide awareness of the actual cost of medical care ... Read More »

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Letter: Too many doing a sloppy job of recycling, or not recycling at all

By Letter to the Editor on March 22nd, 2023

Dear editor, Many of us are doing a sloppy job of recycling or not recycling at all. At the city’s Kipling Street bins, there are lots of big cans of unwashed spaghetti sauce in the metals bin still labelled with the restaurant’s name from a local pizza place. Kudos to that restaurant for trying to ... Read More »

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Letter: Fair minded treatment should be goal for all regarding snow removal

By Letter to the Editor on March 8th, 2023

Dear editor, Before Monday, it had been nearly eight weeks since we had a sizeable snowfall, requiring clearance of our major roads by our dedicated and hard working city employees responsible for this task. While many will bemoan the snow for the inconveniences it causes, it is truly a blessing for many, such as those ... Read More »

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Letter: Conservative wildlife management through the decades

By Letter to the Editor on March 2nd, 2023

Dear editor, In the 1970s and early 80s Peter Lougheed created Alberta’s first government departments for protection of the environment. As part of this, he hired a handful of Fish and Wildlife habitat protection biologists and positioned them around Alberta to ensure industrial developments were done in ways that protected wildlife habitat. That was Alberta’s ... Read More »

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Letter: One hundred million reasons

By Letter to the Editor on February 23rd, 2023

Dear editor, Pretend you own a commercial building, perhaps a strip mall. As landlord, you have signed leases with various tenants, who rent shops and stores from you. The leases impose legal obligations upon the tenants, which they have accepted. Those obligations are the counterparts of your landlord’s rights as the owner of the building. ... Read More »

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