July 26th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Suffield still holds great, important potential

By Letter to the Editor on July 25th, 2024

I read with great interest Collin Gallant’s articles on ‘Operation Snowball’ in last week’s Medicine Hat News online addition. On July 24, he raises an interesting question, what is to become of Suffield? This question has hung over the facility for years. I remember well the plan of James Richardson and Pierre Trudeau government’s plan ... Read More »

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Letter: There are more considerate ways to test seniors for driving abilities

By Letter to the Editor on July 25th, 2024

Subject: Medicals for elders’ drivers licence renewals Dear editor, So far, in my mid 80s, my doctor has approved the medical requirements related to my licence renewal every two years. However, I have been hearing some concerning stories about other elderly drivers being challenged, beyond medical, physical and vision requirements, primarily related to potential dementia ... Read More »

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Letter: ‘This is climate change’ and we can no longer pretend it is a problem of the future

By Letter to the Editor on July 24th, 2024

Dear editor, It was warm in Medicine Hat when I visited last April, but I see your forecast today of 37C; sheesh! While Calgary isn’t quite that hot, we’re currently in another one of our several 32C days this summer, which used to be very rare. At nighttime, with all my windows open, my apartment ... Read More »

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Letter: Alberta Medical Association introduces medal of excellence for rural physicians

By Letter to the Editor on July 23rd, 2024

Dear editor, Rural physicians are part of the heartbeat of rural Alberta. If a rural physician has been important in your life or community, the Alberta Medical Association invites you to share your appreciation by nominating them for a new honour: the Medal for Excellence and Achievement in Rural/Remote Medicine. Help us celebrate physicians who ... Read More »

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Letter: Hatters handled massive bomb

By Letter to the Editor on July 23rd, 2024

Dear editor, RE: “Operation Snowball test era was like ‘science fiction'” July 18. Large detonation research that took place in 1964 was an awesome time to be involved in the Suffield Experimental Station research program pertaining to explosive science and engineering as all aspects of the research were in the development stage. There were no ... Read More »

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Letter: Alberta Pension Plan is a good idea and needs more support

By Letter to the Editor on June 26th, 2024

Dear editor, The Alberta Pension Plan is good for Albertans. It is constitutionally guaranteed that a province may withdraw from the Canadian Pension Plan and there is a formula for determining the amount owing to any province (in this case, Alberta) based on the amounts paid into it and withdrawn. Since Albertans consistently pay more ... Read More »

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Letter: Not too late to properly serve the city, even if it’s only for the remainder of the term

By Letter to the Editor on June 25th, 2024

Dear editor, The responses to the short article by Ann Mitchell, CAO for Medicine Hat, attests to what appears to be the problem at city hall. Mayor Linnsie Clark and Ann Mitchell are at loggerheads. This unresolved issue has polarized council and understandably extends into the public as well. Mitchell wrote in the News (June ... Read More »

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Letter: Too may risks come with pulling out of the Canada Pension Plan

By Letter to the Editor on June 25th, 2024

Dear editor, I am concerned about threats to abandon the successful, portable and trusted Canada Pension Plan. Pension plans are obviously not as simple as Mr. Younger’s contributions, paying for Mr. Older’s pension. I am not an actuarial authority, (just an opinionated old retired engineer), but my main concern is that many pension plans ultimately ... Read More »

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Letter: Great column on city’s new rural renewal program co-ordinator – more please!

By Letter to the Editor on June 25th, 2024

Dear editor, Kudos to Andrea Webb for the recent Municipal Matters column on rural renewal program co-ordinator, Tracy Tawiah. Thank you for introducing us to a member of the city’s staff; it was very interesting. We could use more columns like this. I would be very interested in learning more about the people who work ... Read More »

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Letter: WestJet has lost its passion for customers, and it shows

By Letter to the Editor on June 20th, 2024

Dear editor, I remember when WestJet was an upstart company challenging established carriers with a new vision. All employees were stockholders, and their pride in their airline made travel fun and earned my loyalty. But those days appear to be gone. WestJet now seems to have complete disregard for Medicine Hat customers. Last month a ... Read More »

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Letter: Council showing contempt for residents by ignoring reality

By Letter to the Editor on June 20th, 2024

Dear editor, If there was any doubt by citizens that Medicine Hat council’s antics have transcended simple incompetence and into sheer contempt for Hatters, Coun. Shila Sharps’ unbridled soliloquy attempting to portray city hall as the true victim should set them straight. In her four-minute disgorgement at the last council meeting, Sharps at least portrayed ... Read More »

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