July 26th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Disgruntled Harlow resident sends email to city employees asking for meeting

By Letter to the Editor on June 12th, 2024

Dear editor, The following is an email I sent to as many people as I could at city hall: My name is Brock Hale and I was the appellant in the appeal before the SDAB a few weeks ago. By now you probably know of our concerns. As a Harlow neighbourhood we have largely felt ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Council’s employee should not be advising council on governance

By Letter to the Editor on June 11th, 2024

Dear editor, Re: Local Government Primer Column – Municipal Matters, by Ann Mitchell – 6 June 2024 Whose idea was it to have our city manager write a column on governance? I was surprised to learn that Ann Mitchell is an expert on governance. If we have an expert on staff at the city, why ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Treatment of media in council chambers is anti-democratic

By Letter to the Editor on June 6th, 2024

Dear editor, As a former daily and weekly newspaper reporter/photographer I am dismayed by how it appears the local news media reporters are being treated in Medicine Hat city council chambers. Since the new city hall opened, the news media had a semi-circular table with electronic plug-ins where they had a good view of council’s ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Citizens must be heard regarding Canada Pension Plan

By Letter to the Editor on June 4th, 2024

Dear editor, Are you concerned about your CPP? If you live in this province, you should be. Danielle Smith’s UCP are actively campaigning at town halls across this province to convince people to trust them with our money. We are to trust them by replacing CPP with an Alberta Pension Plan. Spewing out numbers that ... Read More »

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Letter: Mature adults understand that respect is a two-way street

By Letter to the Editor on May 22nd, 2024

Dear editor, I feel it is time for the adults in this community to show up. This community needs sane, mature adult conversation when interacting and dealing with elected officials and public servants. We also need conversations based on reality and the facts as they are and not descend into internet-based fantasies that have no ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: We must remember to take good care of those who take care of us

By Letter to the Editor on May 21st, 2024

Dear editor, I was listening to a town hall meeting about Refocusing Healthcare and heard Patient Focused Care as one of the benefits. I have listened to many Patient Focused Care presentations over the years since January 2009 as an AHS volunteer. I am not sure whether or not the new reconfiguring of our health-care ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: How water usage is managed at Connaught Golf Course

By Letter to the Editor on May 9th, 2024

Dear editor, As a former member of the executive who also served eight years as chairman of the grounds committee, I learned quickly from the grounds superintendent of the day that one of the main concerns years in and out was water management. SMRID provides the water for the Medicine Hat Line, and after assessment ... Read More »

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Letter: ‘Liberals hate Alberta oil’ doesn’t really jive with facts

By Letter to the Editor on May 9th, 2024

Dear editor, Re: Trans-Mountain Pipeline start of operation – May 1, 2024 About six years ago the federal government spent 4.5 billion taxpayer dollars to keep Trans-Mountain alive. About a year later, our MP, Mr. Glen Motz, wrote in the News about the “… crippling hurt this government has levied on our natural resource industry,…” ... Read More »

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Letter: Governance structure and process is in your hands, council

By Letter to the Editor on May 7th, 2024

Dear council members Clark, Dumanowski, Hider, Hirsch, Knodel, McGrogan, Robins, Sharps and Van Dyke, As a former executive officer with the city and Speaker of the Alberta Legislature I respectfully submit that the current divisions greatly affecting our city may in part be about personalities, but more the governance structure and process. Only you can ... Read More »

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Letter: Current school board policies prohibit proper explanation of trustee choices

By Letter to the Editor on May 2nd, 2024

Dear editor, Medicine Hat Public School Division board approved its three-year capital plan on March 26. One trustee voted against approval, but there is nothing in the minutes to reveal the reasons for this trustee’s negative vote. Any discussion of the proposed capital plan was behind closed doors after it was presented to the board ... Read More »

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Letter: Enough about the mayor, let due process run its course

By Letter to the Editor on May 2nd, 2024

Dear editor, I am so tired of all the whining about the situation with Mayor Clark. Common sense tells us “there is more to the story” that is protected by privacy and confidentiality. Misconduct or poor performance in any organization is generally handled with progressive disciplinary action. After discussions and warnings, with no improvement, the ... Read More »

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