July 26th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: SEAWA has not abandoned care of Connaught Pond trees

By Letter to the Editor on May 1st, 2024

Dear editor, Contrary to one readers’ view that South East Alberta Watershed Alliance (SEAWA) is ‘abandoning the care’ of trees planted around Connaught Pond in Saratoga Park (Ticked Off, April 23), SEAWA assessed the site on April 19. As a watershed planning and advisory council tasked with helping achieve Alberta’s Water for Life Strategy, SEAWA ... Read More »

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Letter: Only a fool thinks you can ‘throw it away’

By Letter to the Editor on May 1st, 2024

Dear editor: Re: Enviro-fools There is no limit to human folly. April 22, 2024 was Earth Day this year. How did you observe Earth day? In Irvine, some time that day, a fool dumped a presumably defunct dishwasher kitchen appliance down a steep, rocky slope off the road, very near the Ross Creek Bridge. It ... Read More »

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Letter: Too much time spent behind closed doors at public school board meetings

By Letter to the Editor on April 23rd, 2024

Dear editor, What is the point of local government bodies establishing policies for their conduct when they do not even abide by their own policies? Case in point, the Medicine Hat Public School Board’s policy pertaining to “Meetings of the Committee of the Whole.” Meetings of “Committee of the Whole” are conducted behind closed doors, ... Read More »

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Letter: No accomplishment merits abandonment of democratic principle

By Letter to the Editor on April 18th, 2024

Dear editor, There are Hatters who believe the accomplishments of city council over the past two years merits blind faith in their decision-making capability, and innuendo is a perfectly acceptable way to undo the democratic will of citizens. Such individuals aren’t likely going to try to rationalize the need to redact the names of the ... Read More »

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Letter: Everyone needs to do their part to be water conservation AWARE

By Letter to the Editor on April 17th, 2024

Dear editor, We all need water. But will it be available for everyone this summer? Last year in Alberta, several agricultural states of emergency were declared across the province due to drought. Some municipalities implemented water restrictions for residents. This year could be worse with a current low snowpack in the mountains, limited precipitation, a ... Read More »

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Letter: The Medicine Hat Public School Division also needs a lesson in transparency

By Letter to the Editor on April 16th, 2024

Dear editor, Alex McCuaig’s April 11 letter cuts to the heart of the matter concerning transparency in local government. Medicine Hat city council is not the only body that deserves attention. The board of the Medicine Hat Public School Division could also be doing more to make its operations visibly accountable. At one time I ... Read More »

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Letter: Former mayor right about the unrest with city council – it’s bad all around

By Letter to the Editor on April 16th, 2024

Dear editor, I was not a big fan of our previous mayor, however he won my agreement when speaking out on his recent appearance on CHAT TV, regarding our current city council’s future. To put it bluntly, I agree! Our current city council governance is in big trouble. In my view, the penalty imposed on ... Read More »

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Letter: Both sides of the council riff have behaved in disappointing ways

By Letter to the Editor on April 16th, 2024

Dear editor, The last few weeks have been very disappointing watching the events with the city council. When all the elected candidates were running in the election, they all spoke of how they would work together and eliminate the problems of the previous administrations. It appears that what we now are witnessing is a lack ... Read More »

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Letter: Hatters suffer while council bickers like feuding parents

By Letter to the Editor on April 11th, 2024

Dear editor, One of the best analogies describing the current state of city council is that it’s like a divorce. But in this case, instead of a child receiving the brunt of the fallout coming from litigious, bickering parents who claim they are looking out for the best interests of their son or daughter, it’s ... Read More »

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Letter: Optimist Club of Medicine Hat thanks community after tough decision to disband

By Letter to the Editor on April 10th, 2024

Dear editor, The end came quickly at the April 3, 2023 regular meeting of the Optimist Club of Medicine Hat as it voted unanimously to disband. The club, whose international motto is “Friend of Youth,” chartered in December of 1961, and has been a major player and supporter of local youth programs in the City ... Read More »

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Letter: Glowing praise for the city and a promise to be back soon

By Letter to the Editor on April 9th, 2024

Dear editor, Until this week, all I saw of Medicine Hat was from the window of a Greyhound bus. That was enough to suggest to me that it’s a city of rich character, so this week when I got the opportunity to come down and have meetings with several people about climate change and the ... Read More »

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