July 26th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Article on Kenney a comedy of recorded errors

By Letter to the Editor on October 12th, 2022

Dear editor, On Oct. 4, the News carried a full page forensic analysis of Jason Kenney’s ignominious fall from grace. Even for me, a longtime critic and disparager of all things Kenney, I found the article a withering death sentence, not just for his career, but also for the party he created. The author, a ... Read More »

2 responses

Letter: Hat a great place to be a doctor

By Letter to the Editor on September 30th, 2022

Dear editor, I am a retired family physician. I practised in Med Hat for 37 years and raised four lively children there. In your recruitment for physicians be sure to tell them it is a great place to raise a family as there are so many activities available for them. And the city is safe… ... Read More »

2 responses

Letter: Local traffic commentary from a self labelled ‘grumpy old man’

By Letter to the Editor on September 29th, 2022

Dear Editor, I am very pleased to see the right-hand lane at the bottom of Dunmore Hill may soon require those not turning right against a red light to use the other lane. While on the city traffic movement subject, I am convinced flashing red lights at certain intersections might be a viable option to ... Read More »

2 responses

Letter: Why do seniors keep buying lies told by (non) conservative politicians?

By Letter to the Editor on September 29th, 2022

Dear editor, You would think these phony Conservatives, Reformers had cost Albertans enough, yet we still see many of our fellow seniors believing every lie they feed them, while they continue to help the rich steal our oil and tax wealth, in an attempt to buy votes. How can you ignore what they have done ... Read More »

4 responses

Letter: Medicine Hat’s wealth of supports is a positive, not a negative

By Letter to the Editor on September 22nd, 2022

Dear editor, I am writing in response to a recent post in Ticked/Tickled regarding the role of the Mustard Seed and Root Cellar in our community. The writer believes the Root Cellar should donate its food to the Mustard Seed. Both of these agencies, as well as the Salvation Army, many local churches and other ... Read More »

3 responses

Letter: Secondiak’s story inspiring others to do what they can to make life better for those around them

By Letter to the Editor on September 21st, 2022

In response to “Compassion over charges” published Sept. 16 in the News Dear editor, Thank you, Insp. Brent Secondiak, for showing your compassionate and caring nature in the aftermath of the theft of your shoes from your front doorstep. Even more than that, thank you for sharing this heartwarming story with the rest of us. ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Maybe it’s time to take a page out of Edmonton’s book on overnight shelters

By Letter to the Editor on September 20th, 2022

In response to the article “Overnight shelter future remains undetermined by city” in the Wednesday, Aug. 31, edition of the News. Dear editor, It seems a solution to finding a suitable place to have a shelter in Medicine Hat is difficult to find. I do understand that businesses and neighbourhoods find the impact of having ... Read More »

3 responses

Letter: Thoughts on trash and the rising cost of food

By Letter to the Editor on September 17th, 2022

Dear editor, Referring to the ‘new’ trash situation and the latest articles in the News regarding the cost of food. I remember a more recent time when the more prevalent ‘trash’, in ditches, on our streets – well, anywhere – consisted of mostly ‘coffin nail butts’ and their empty packages. The cig butts and their ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Notley’s NDP was effective in management, did not burn down pillars of industry

By Letter to the Editor on August 4th, 2022

In response to Marty Malmgren’s July 13 letter to the editor. Dear editor, I would like to point out a few misleading arguments, hysterical language and downright misinformation. A sad and weak argument of some (maybe only a few at this point) conservatives. Mr. Malmgren bandies about the title of socialism in contemptuous tones in ... Read More »

2 responses

Letter: Stampede a success thanks to community support

By Letter to the Editor on August 4th, 2022

Dear editor, On behalf of the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede Board of Directors, we would like to thank the citizens of Medicine Hat and surrounding area for your support for 2022 Exhibition and Stampede. We would also like to thank our sponsors, food trucks, businesses who had booths at the Stampede, rodeo competitors, livestock ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: A candle to brighten the day

By Letter to the Editor on August 3rd, 2022

In response to Kathleen Beierbach’s July 19 letter to the editor. Dear editor, Ms. Beierbach, that was such an inspirational letter… the best I’ve read for some time. I would like you to know that I and many others fully agree with you, in every thing you wrote. “If everyone lit just one little candle… ... Read More »

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