September 7th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Khadr is a traitor and shouldn’t have rights

By Letter to the Editor on July 21st, 2017

Re: “In Khadr case, pragmatism comes at a cost,” July 15 I am very surprised at guest columnist Peter Mueller joining the Trudeau groupies trying to sugarcoat the traitor, terrorist Omar Khadr. Why would a traitor have any “rights” for treason? Who let in and gave his father, an avowed terrorist, Canadian citizenship? Why is ... Read More »

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Photo coverage poor for garden tour

By Letter to the Editor on July 20th, 2017

Reading the Medicine Hat News is part of my normal morning routine. I love our newspaper, but on July 17 one picture made me particularly cranky. It was the sole picture for the Medicine Hat and District Horticultural Society’s Garden Tour held July 16, and there was not a flower or a bloom in sight! ... Read More »

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Anthem lyrics actually haven’t changed yet

By Letter to the Editor on July 20th, 2017

(Re: “Anthem lyrics change not a big deal,” July 18.) Mr. Rooke is incorrect in thinking the national anthem lyrics were officially changed. If he Googles the article, he will discover that the Senate did not vote on the bill to change as the majority was against it. Therefore they refused to vote before Canada ... Read More »

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It’s time for our divorce laws to change

By Letter to the Editor on July 19th, 2017

I am angry! Would you choose to pay $250,000 or $500,000 or maybe more for absolutely nothing in return? No, you would assume it to be a scam. In this case, it’s called spousal support and is sanctioned by our legal system! Those being targeted are men (and only very occasionally women) who have stayed ... Read More »

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How much did Klein cuts cost Alberta taxpayers?

By Letter to the Editor on July 19th, 2017

Being a Conservative I would like to blame the Khadr disaster on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also but can’t. I remember the warnings the lawyers and judges were giving then-PM Stephen Harper, that if he didn’t handle it properly we could be in trouble. Harper wouldn’t listen. This is the same Harper who treated our ... Read More »

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Anthem lyric change not a big deal

By Letter to the Editor on July 18th, 2017

Bravo to the News and its coverage and promotion of Canada’s 150th birthday. The newspaper on July 1 was great with the Canadian flag once again printed for those inclined to post it in a window or wherever. However, there is one area that your proof readers slipped up on and that is the printing ... Read More »

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Government should be ashamed for caving in to terrorist Khadr

By Letter to the Editor on July 13th, 2017

As a retired soldier I am not only appalled at the apology and millions of our tax dollars being given to a convicted murder, I am personally offended. I proudly served in the Canadian military for 20 years and retired just as proud with the rank of warrant officer. I know soldiers who came home ... Read More »

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Uproar about Halifax Canada Day protest is ‘gobbledygook’

By Letter to the Editor on July 12th, 2017

The five Canadian Armed Forces members, Proud Boys, are being investigated, but they are now suspended for alleged racism against the protesters at the statue of General Cornwallis in Halifax on Canada Day. The so-called Mi’kmaq protestors did not include any Aboriginals. Chief Mama Grizzly is no aboriginal chief, she is some person from British ... Read More »

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