October 21st, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Patron disappointed with how Stampede ended Saturday night

By Letter to the Editor on August 3rd, 2017

This year the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede theme to celebrate Canada 150 was “Strong and Free.” The Saturday night should have been renamed “The Weak and the Hog Tied.” For an experience that would be so memorable for visitors here from the U.K. we had taken in every aspect of the Stampede every day ... Read More »

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Work together for a constructive solution

By Letter to the Editor on August 1st, 2017

Since I was not born many millennia ago I can’t verify nor deny who the original human custodians of our planet were. Were they cavemen, Aztec, Inca? It doesn’t matter. Our modern Indigenous people are descendants who worshipped whom they believed to be their creator. To this day they consider where they buried their dead ... Read More »

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Trudeau’s rationale in Khadr case is ‘very much the Liberal approach’

By Letter to the Editor on July 28th, 2017

“The Khadrs, Canada’s First Family of Terrorism” is how Dr. Daniel Pipes of Pepperdine University and of the Middle East Forum has labeled this controversial Canadian family. He has documented their activities inside and outside Canada to the most recent happening. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issues a public apology to Omar Khadr and also decides ... Read More »

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Dangerous intersection needs attention

By Letter to the Editor on July 27th, 2017

The road meeting Dunmore Road coming out of the Medicine Hat Mall (the Wendy’s corner) is dangerous, because it’s unsigned for people making a right turn from the mall side onto Dunmore Road. There is no indication to drivers coming from the area of the mall that vehicles making a left turn off Ross Glen ... Read More »

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Offended and alarmed over government payment to Khadr

By Letter to the Editor on July 27th, 2017

Re: “Terrorism should have consequences,” July 25 Well said, Mr. Maltin, I totally agree with your letter. I am very offended and alarmed that my tax dollars are used to pay off a known terrorist. Barb Bockman Dunmore... Read More »

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Many questions after vote to unite the right

By Letter to the Editor on July 26th, 2017

The right will never unite 100 per cent. We are seeing Whiningrose leaving and CONservatives jumping ship. The New Dictator Party isn’t growing either. The big winners in membership, funding and support is Greg Clark and The Alberta Party. So at the end of the day, the vote will still be split. The sad fact ... Read More »

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Terrorism should have consequences

By Letter to the Editor on July 25th, 2017

Re: “In Khadr case, pragmatism comes at a cost,” July 15 My debate is not with the innocence or guilt of Mr. Khadr, but with the failure to act of both our Liberal and Conservative governments. Growing up in a family of avowed terrorists, CSIS along with the Canadian government should have had little to ... Read More »

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City in competition with its own citizens

By Letter to the Editor on July 25th, 2017

Every time local elections roll around we hear about economic development. Can someone please explain to me why any company would want to come to Medicine Hat when the city is competing with many of its own taxpayers? I see paving machines which city council allowed to be purchased to compete with a long-established local ... Read More »

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Story on leafcutter bees interesting and enlightening

By Letter to the Editor on July 22nd, 2017

Re: “Canola crops made possible by hard-working leafcutters,” July 11 Thank you to Gillian Slade for that excellent article on leafcutter bees. We have been curious about those little tents for as long as we have lived in this area. Not being farmers, there are many things which pique our interest when we are out ... Read More »

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Khadr is a traitor and shouldn’t have rights

By Letter to the Editor on July 21st, 2017

Re: “In Khadr case, pragmatism comes at a cost,” July 15 I am very surprised at guest columnist Peter Mueller joining the Trudeau groupies trying to sugarcoat the traitor, terrorist Omar Khadr. Why would a traitor have any “rights” for treason? Who let in and gave his father, an avowed terrorist, Canadian citizenship? Why is ... Read More »

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Anthem lyrics actually haven’t changed yet

By Letter to the Editor on July 20th, 2017

(Re: “Anthem lyrics change not a big deal,” July 18.) Mr. Rooke is incorrect in thinking the national anthem lyrics were officially changed. If he Googles the article, he will discover that the Senate did not vote on the bill to change as the majority was against it. Therefore they refused to vote before Canada ... Read More »

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