October 17th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘It does not require many words to speak the truth’

By Letter to the Editor on February 15th, 2023

Dear editor, At the top of JoLynn Parenteau’s Jan. 25 News column is a quote from Nez Perce Chief Joseph, Thunder Rolling Down the Mountain, who said, “It does not require many words to speak the truth.” Let us look through the lens of the chief’s wisdom at the conduct of a present-day leader, one ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Pharmacists are essential members of the team

By Letter to the Editor on February 8th, 2023

Dear editor, I am saddened by recent developments in our health-care community. I have come to understand that a number of general practitioners within this province and no doubt our city are opposed to pharmacists having the authority to prescribe what amounts to a very limited number of medications. Pharmacists are essential members of our ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Tax, tax and more tax

By Letter to the Editor on February 1st, 2023

Dear editor, I entered this in 1998, but it is more relevant now than it was then. Income tax, border tax, Tax on retail sales. Haircut tax, school tax, Tax on beer and ale. City tax, county tax, Tax on all liberations. Wine tax, war tax, Tax on corporations. Brewer tax, sewer tax, Tax on ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: City should look into repurposing Arena rather than demolishing it

By Letter to the Editor on January 25th, 2023

Dear editor, I liked the recent Ticked Off & Tickled Pink submission, regarding an ideal location for a 4,500-seat arena/curling rink complex downtown. However, rather than demolish the old Arena and then reconstruct it, let’s consider renovating and repurposing it. As I recall, taxpayers were originally told that the then-new arena would, by design, accommodate ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Last chance to have concerns about Aira solar project heard by Alberta Utilities Commission

By Letter to the Editor on January 18th, 2023

Dear editor, Regarding the Aira Wind Power Inc., Aira Solar Project Power Plant and Substation – AUC Proceeding 27842 Notice of Applications (applications 27842-A001 and 27842-A002), published in The 40 Mile Commentator on December 27, 2022. Concerned people have created a registered AUC group – Farmers and Ranchers against Solar Group – (FARAS Group). A ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Alberta needs to start skating to where the puck is going

By Letter to the Editor on January 12th, 2023

Dear editor, Premier Smith and her Ministers are accusing Trudeau of wanting to end oil and gas jobs in Alberta. They neglect to mention that’s been happening for years due to automation, which EY Canada says could continue to remove another 30% of jobs in oil and gas by 2030. Nor does the premier or ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

By Letter to the Editor on January 10th, 2023

Dear editor, Remember that proverb, homily, saying? Angels? It is said that they are the embodiment of wisdom, caution, prudence, justice, mercy; a higher calling. Does one have to believe such spirits, such beings, exist? No, one doesn’t. Yet almost all major religious scriptures, not Christian only, refer to these mysterious, unseen beings from another ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Kipling Street: A family’s sacred ground

By Letter to the Editor on December 28th, 2022

Dear editor, The land on Kipling Street that’s being re-zoned as residential and repurposed for affordable-housing, was where my family’s home once stood. My maternal grandparents, Edward and Annie Gargett leased the land. In 1924, Annie bought the house for fifty dollars and had it brought down to the lot on Kipling Street, from where ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: No scientists are citing single storms as proof climate is changing

By Letter to the Editor on December 14th, 2022

Dear editor, Dr. Daniel Schnee’s column “Climate reparations” in the Dec. 7 News is misleading readers about the work of climate scientists. Dr. Schnee says “no sane scientist can look at a single storm and infer that the climate is changing,” and he is right: no sane scientist would do that, but Schnee’s statement misleads ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Sovereignty act highly problematic

By Letter to the Editor on December 14th, 2022

Dear editor, In response to the UCP’s proposed Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act. The UCP claims this Act will give their government the legal right to ignore federal laws they deem contrary to Alberta’s interests. It will not. What they claim to be able to do cannot be legally done under our Constitution. ... Read More »

1 response

Letter: Choose to act as responsible adults

By Letter to the Editor on December 8th, 2022

Dear editor, I totally agree with Mr. Bahnmiller’s Dec. 6 letter, the MLAs that followed Danielle Smith succeeded in still getting paid by us, the Alberta taxpayer. The taxpayer got stuck paying for someone in a party they did not vote for. Danielle Smith is premier, but not because of a democratic majority vote by ... Read More »

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