July 26th, 2024


Business Beat: Youth entrepreneurs resilient, adaptable and optimistic

By Michael Harrington on August 4th, 2021

Community Futures Entre-Corp supports all flavors of entrepreneurs, but the smile that crosses Entrepreneur Advisor Pat Guist’s face when she talks about youth entrepreneurs belies her otherwise diplomatic facade. She loves working with youth. And why not? Their infectious enthusiasm, limitless potential and glass-half-full attitude is refreshing. You may have noticed the increased number of ... Read More »

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Insurance Understood: Backcountry camping anyone?

By Steve Meldrum on July 17th, 2021

I love camping. Specifically, ultralight backcountry camping. It requires attention to detail, takes me to wonderful places and provides balance in an otherwise hectic world. This summer I am taking my daughters out and want them to have great experiences too. Camping can differ a lot based what you want to experience. The same holds ... Read More »

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Business Beat: The value of work-integrated learning

By Rebecca Wieler on June 30th, 2021

Work-integrated learning is an internationally recognized strategy that places students into real-world work placements, exposing students to interactive learning experiences in their field of study and equipping them with the required employability skills to succeed in the workforce. These placements are an important element in developing the future workforce and include applied research projects, apprenticeships, ... Read More »

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Business Beat: Entrepreneur leads business school

By medicinehatnews on June 16th, 2021

The new leader of Medicine Hat College’s business programs is bringing experience in entrepreneurship, business leadership, and academia to the table. Timothy Spielman, Dean of Business and Continuing Studies, has lived in Alberta all his life but has had the opportunity to work around the globe and has spent significant segments of his career in ... Read More »

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Business Beat: City now accepting applications for 2021 Development Incentive Program

By Kelli Ireland on March 31st, 2021

Invest Medicine Hat and the City of Medicine Hat are now accepting applications for the 2021 development incentive program. The City of Medicine Hat encourages development and redevelopment in the City and incentives are an effective way to stimulate investment and support desirable economic growth that would have not otherwise occurred. City council approved a ... Read More »

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Business Beat: A year in review

By Jon Sookocheff on February 3rd, 2021

2020 was a challenging year. In Alberta, the initial shock of the global pandemic was amplified by an oil price war, resulting in an unprecedented recession that hit Alberta especially hard. It was, in the words of Alberta’s finance minister, Travis Toews, a “triple black swan event”. Through it all, Invest Medicine Hat rose to ... Read More »

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Business Beat: MHC leads in blended trades and technology programs

By Chad Flinn on January 27th, 2021

Back in March when the educational world moved online, many thought trades would not be able to make the transition. With its blend of theory and hands-on training, it seemed like an insurmountable task to join the rest of academia in the great educational pivot. Many also worried that students who pursued a career in ... Read More »

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Your Money: Pension income splitting

By Matt Solberg on December 19th, 2020

In Canada, we have a graduated income tax system, which means that taxpayers who earn more income are subject to progressively higher rates of tax on incremental dollars earned. To minimize the overall tax liability for a couple, spouses may elect to split their pension income by allocating certain pension income from a higher-income spouse ... Read More »

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Insurance Understood: Don’t make assumptions, plan ahead

By Steve Meldrum on December 5th, 2020

This past week, a relative asked my family and I to go on a walk in a local park. This seemed like a safe activity given the pandemic protocols recently introduced in Alberta. Well, as we were driving there, my wife and I realized that we were not 100 per cent sure of the protocols ... Read More »

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Business Beat: MHC expands rural nursing partnership

By Dr. Harrison Applin on November 4th, 2020

As a leader in the health field, I’ve learned that partnerships are an effective way to serve Albertans and increase the sustainability of education. The Medicine Hat College will be using this business model again in the near future to benefit the province as a whole, and our region. I’m happy to say that rural ... Read More »

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