March 6th, 2025

By the Way: We can conquer our fear right here, right now

By Kristy Reimers-Loader on August 10, 2024.

A recent Sunday Gospel featured the miracle of Jesus walking on the water. Seen dimly through the mist, the disciples were terrified it was a ghost making its way toward them, until they heard him speak, saying, “It is I; do not be afraid.”

These days, it can feel like we’re in the midst of a storm. As much as we wish we could accurately predict the future, it’s just a shadow in the mist, and many of us fear what might be revealed when the mist clears.

It’s times like these when it’s good to remember we have an antidote to fear right here, in our own community. Richly blessed with stories of common experience, even a few shared jokes, there’s wisdom and encouragement in this community, and maybe even a hug or two from people who have traversed the same fearful dark valleys and come out the other side.

There’s faith. There’s hope. There’s perseverance. All these things are found in good, supportive communities.

In community, we weather the storms of life together with the help of people who bravely remind us we’re never alone.

When Jesus called the first of his disciples, it was the beginning of a community, and with every new person who heard and was inspired by Jesus speaking so fearlessly against the political and religious authorities of the day, the beloved community expanded and grew in mutual love.

Now, we are members, too. So long as the beloved community exists, we are never alone, my friends.

So in dark moments when hope for peace seems dim, and our foundations start to feel a bit wobbly, I hope we can all remember these words and, like the disciples in their little storm-tossed boat, draw comfort from that reassuring voice saying, “Do not be afraid.”

Chaplain Kristy Reimers-Loader

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