February 10th, 2025

By the Way: Following the people and things that inspire us is an exercise in hope

By REV. KRISTY REIMERS-LOADER on January 28, 2023.

A new year always feels like an opportunity to do something new and different. Many people look for a new way to enrich their experience of life, and some seek new ways to serve others at the same time.

A couple Sundays ago in the cycle of Bible readings, we read of Jesus asking a couple would-be disciples trailing behind him, “What are you looking for?”

They responded by asking him where he was staying, whereupon he invited them to “Come and see.”

Discipleship is just a fancy church word for what happens when we’re inspired by someone or something and, rather than letting that feeling pass, we let that inspiration take us where it will. Surprising changes can come about in our lives and within ourselves when we follow our inspirations with an open mind, and when we choose to be open to new and possibly fulfilling experiences. The disciples of Jesus could testify to this truth; everything changed for them when they started following the man from Galilee.

Positive experiences, and the intentional practice of seeking them out are so important for a fulfilling life. The acclaimed poet and storyteller Maya Angelou spoke this truth of how we are the sum total of everything we experience. “It’s all there,” she said, and “…because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.”

Friends, following the people and things that inspire us is an exercise in hope, something the world surely needs today. It’s living in the Spirit of possibility; that by looking, we just might find something wonderful.

There are many opportunities for inspiration, and wonderful possibilities for discipleship and serving others in our community in ways that are positive, meaningful and fulfilling. What are you looking for? Come and see.

Rev Kristy Reimers-Loader

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