February 8th, 2025

Science Smarts: Who wants some glow in the dark dessert?

By PATTY ROOKS on October 9, 2021.

I do not know if it will be possible this year or not, but it is always fun to have some friends over and make some eerie snacks for them on Halloween.

Even if you cannot get together, this is an easy and fun activity to do with your family.

Let’s get started!

Remember to ask an adult before doing this experiment.


• Black light

• Tonic water

• One package of light coloured gelatin dessert (lemon)

• Water

• Measuring cups

• Kettle

• Stirring spoon

• Adult helper

• Clear bowl or cups

• Refrigerator


• Have an adult helper fill the kettle and bring the water to a boil and measure one cup (250 mL) of boiling water into the bowl.

• Add the entire package of gelatin. Mix well until it is entirely dissolved. You may have to scrape the sides of the bowl.

• Measure one cup (250 mL) of tonic water and pour it into the bowl.

• Mix well.

• Pour into clear cups or leave in the bowl, it is entirely up to you.

• Place in the refrigerator to chill for several hours.

• Remove from the fridge, turn out the lights and shine the black light up to the gelatin.

• What do you observe?

What is going on?

If you make the gelatin dessert with just water, it will not glow in the dark. The secret here is the tonic water. It is just not plain water. Tonic water has an ingredient called quinine. This is a fluorescent substance. When you shine the black light on it, it absorbs the ultraviolet light and then reemits it. The light has a longer wavelength, which in turn makes the light visible and allows the quinine to glow!

Have fun with this activity by adding tonic water to a variety of substances to have an awesome glowing party!

Patty Rooks, Senior Scientific Consultant PRAXIS, “Connecting Science To The Community”. Contact Praxis at praxis@praxismh.ca, http://www.praxismh.ca, Tweet or follow us @PraxisMedHat, or friend us on Facebook. Office: #12 826 11 Street S. E., Medicine Hat, Alberta, T1A 1T7 Phone: 403.527.5365, email: praxis@praxismh.ca.

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