December 14th, 2024

Remembering our hero

By on October 17, 2022.

Source: Dominics journey with AML
Remembering our hero
Zoom wasn’t a thing during Dominic’s lifetime, but I like to think he’d be a hit on it now.Muted? Thumbs-up. Pinned to everyone’s screens? Bigger thumbs-up. Singing songs and interacting without the worry of being immuno-compromised around strangers? This works too.Tomorrow night (Oct. 18) we’ll be part of a special Zoom call, part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada’s Light the Night remembrance ceremony. You’re invited! Just use this link: starts at 6:30 p.m. Mountain time and is designed to be an intimate gathering to honour those we’ve lost.Dom isn’t the only person featured. Really, everyone on the call has an opportunity to share why they participate in Light the Night, the LLSC’s main event. The call is only about a half hour and is a precursor to the main Light the Night broadcast, happening this Saturday (Oct. 22) starting at 5 p.m. our time.There’s been a #Dominicstrong Light the Night team practically since he was diagnosed. It started with a couple friends, and now my family runs it. They’re almost at their $6,000 goal for the year.We definitely miss getting together at Prince’s Island Park in Calgary but since COVID, they’ve gone virtual.Full disclosure, my sister Erin works for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Not at all what she used to do for a living, but Dom changed her life in more ways than most. And waiting a couple years before making Dom a poster child again shows her professionalism – she’s in that world to help others, not just remember her nephew. I’d say she does both really well, but I’m biased.Thanks to this campaign I’ve had the chance to speak about him on a few Zoom calls recently. It’s been a while since I did that sort of thing, and while it’s tough sometimes, I really do enjoy doing it. Telling his story is a huge part of what we do now, and I see the hits on this blog basically down to zero and realize many folks have moved on from his story. I suppose they’ve moved on from blogs in general too but don’t think that’s the main cause.Hopefully I’ll still be able to do the odd engagement 20 years from now. And hopefully this blog remains accessible by anyone who’s looking for it. I actually had a random cancer parent contact me this week after finding his story, and it took me back to when I was new to that dreaded circle and looking for answers. Community is absolutely part of how you deal with cancer, and while random internet posts won’t help you with treatment concerns, it can make you feel less lonely.So join in that Zoom call and be part of someone else’s community too.Extra Life updateOur gameday planning is in full stride and we’re looking forward to the 25-hour Extra Life marathon! It starts at 8 a.m. Nov. 5 at the Medicine Hat Lodge and we’re inviting the public to join in from 3-7 p.m. We’ll have surprise guests, a dozen or so silent auction items and, of course, lots of games to play.See the Facebook event or this poster for more details. Hope to see you there.

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