October 17th, 2024

Letters to the Editor

NDP: Limited credibility on military matters

By Letter to the Editor on September 1st, 2017

Re: “MLA Report: There should be no support for Nazis or hate-mongers, Aug. 25 I have never met NDP MLA Bob Wanner, and I assume he is a fine man. However, I would like to take exception to his column I might be wrong but I believe the father of the NDP, the CCF, opposed ... Read More »

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More transit ridership should be the goal

By Letter to the Editor on September 1st, 2017

I think changing the transit system to save money is a fool’s mission. I do like the route A and B changes and the feeder routes, a little more logical. I think it would be nice to have a discounted bus system because then you would have full ridership. I can not imagine that buses ... Read More »

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Two protesting wrongs don’t make a right

By Letter to the Editor on August 30th, 2017

I am not sure if all this confusion and infighting regarding protesters was started by Donald Trump not clearly denouncing both far right and far left in Charlottesville but it certainly has created a storm, even in the Medicine Hat News (Friday, Aug. 25 Comments page). We have one letter criticizing editorial writer Tim Kalinowski ... Read More »

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The Rebel unfairly portrayed in Charlottesville aftermath

By Letter to the Editor on August 30th, 2017

It has been a rough ride for the struggling internet news site, The Rebel, and its founder and main spokesman Ezra Levant. Faith Goldy reported from Charlottesville, Virginia on the free-for-all between white supremacists/neo-Nazis, the Antifa [anarchists] and the group in Black Lives Matter who also resort to violence. The Antifa denies the accusation of ... Read More »

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My MLA is a hypocritical floor-crosser

By Letter to the Editor on August 29th, 2017

Alberta conservatives want what they want: They want their power back and they don’t seem to care what they must do to get it. Rigging the system so the disgraced PC MLAs become Alberta’s Official Opposition is a desperate step to try to achieve that end. I nor anyone I know in the Cypress-Medicine Hat ... Read More »

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Some thrown ‘under the bus’ with transit change

By Letter to the Editor on August 29th, 2017

Public transit plays an important role in social cohesion, helping people, especially those on low income, access to education, work, recreation and health care. It appears the city has taken a survey on where the budget should be cut and made decisions based on the survey. My question is “who responded to this survey?” Was ... Read More »

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Counter-protesters shouldn’t be criticized

By Letter to the Editor on August 25th, 2017

I was dismayed to read the recent opinion piece written by Tim Kalinowski, “‘Frontier justice’ is not the answer.” Amidst boilerplate condemnations of bigotry, the author spends multiple paragraphs implying that “counter-protesters are responsible for” the violence committed by a well-armed group of neo-Nazis. On the first night, a group of counter-protesters were surrounded and ... Read More »

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Finding fault with transit changes

By Letter to the Editor on August 24th, 2017

Finally the city has got something right — having transit start earlier in the morning. The hope of increasing ridership is, to say the least, somewhat dashed as they have drastically reduced the routes into residential areas some by more than 50 per cent. This is where ridership comes from. The city is going to ... Read More »

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Local MLA is anything but clear, certainly confused

By Letter to the Editor on August 23rd, 2017

Re: “MLA Report: Let good people do good things with their time and money,” Aug. 18 Ronald Reagan may (or may not) have “understood the vast potential of a giving, caring, conservative culture,” but Kenney doesn’t seem to care enough about this to crystallize the idea. According to a news report on Aug. 2 “Kenney ... Read More »

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Put microchips in government charge cards

By Letter to the Editor on August 23rd, 2017

To MLA Robert Wanner, chairman of the Committee on Accounts, and MLA Thomas Dang, chairman of the Subcommittee on MLA Expenses. While I see great potential in the subcommittee’s focus, a lot of that goodwill from the past eleven and a half months has been destroyed by Strathmore-Brooks Independent MLA Derek Fildebrandt in the last ... Read More »

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Thumbs down to a pair of politicians

By Letter to the Editor on August 22nd, 2017

Premier Rachel Notley, along with junior Minister of Veteran Affairs and Trudeau Liberal mouthpiece in Alberta Kent Hehr, recently presided over groundbreaking ceremonies for Enbridge’s Line 3. Line 3 will export crude oil to U.S. Midwest refineries even though 99 per cent of Canadian crude oil already goes to only one customer — the U.S. ... Read More »

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