March 10th, 2025

Municipal Matters: A leap of faith – From Ghana to Medicine Hat

By Andrea Webb on June 21, 2024.

A tired Tracy Tawiah smiles from her hotel room hallway, shortly after arriving in her new home, Medicine Hat.--SUBMITTED PHOTO

Municipal Matters is a regular column by the City of Medicine Hat. Here you will find a rotating list of authors sharing about a variety of City Initiatives, municipal services, staff profiles, education, and more!

On a rainy Saturday in May, a new resident arrived in our city, exiting a plane from our local Airport to set her feet on Medicine Hat soil for the first time. With just four suitcases in hand Tracy Tawiah, the city’s new rural renewal program co-ordinator, was filled with excitement, ready to start her new career – and life – in Canada’s sunniest city.

Originally from Ghana, the newest member of the MH Economic Development team had been completely unaware of Medicine Hat’s existence just two years ago. Yet here she was, ready to take a leap of faith, trusting that Medicine Hat was exactly the right place for her.

Growing up in Ghana (a small country in West Africa), Tracy had a big dream from an early age to become the first female president of her country. This vision placed a passion in her to learn all she could about economics and what it takes to grow a healthy and thriving economy.

In pursuit of these dreams, Tracy migrated to Canada in 2018 to begin her post-secondary education, culminating in a bachelor’s degree in economics from York University, followed by roles at the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) and a master’s degree in Economic Development and Innovation from the University of Waterloo.

During her studies at the University of Waterloo, Tracy completed an assignment that would alter the trajectory of her life and career. One of her instructors tasked students to select a Canadian community of their choice and develop a marketing plan for it.

Tracy chose to take the opportunity to look for a city that she herself (and other budding professionals) might want to locate to. She had heard of the lower cost of living in Alberta and began to explore communities within the province. It was at this time that she came across an ad for a house listed at $140,000 in Medicine Hat. She could barely believe her eyes; what was this place with the strange name and the affordable housing prices?

She got to work learning everything she could about Medicine Hat. The more she learned, the more impressed she became as she discovered a community full of sunshine, innovative ideas, picturesque landscapes, short commutes, beautiful scenery, ample parks and trails, all with a comparatively low cost of living to the rest of Canada. She knew she had found her featured community, and the place she would like to begin her career.

Tracy got to work on her assignment, creating a video about the benefits of Medicine Hat, sourcing footage she found through the city, and other agencies throughout the community.

Once she submitted her assignment, she also posted it on LinkedIn (a social media platform designed to help professionals connect), hoping to gain notice from someone within the Economic Development department.

Her effort was not in vain. After connecting with Selena McLean-Moore, director of economic development, she applied for an open economic development officer position, and made her way through the interview process. Though her first attempt at securing employment with the city was not fruitful, she did succeed in making an impression. So several months later, when the rural renewal co-ordinator position was posted, she applied again. This time finding success.

“My journey from Ghana to Medicine Hat is a testament of my faith in God,” says Tracy. “I believe God has directed my path throughout all these experiences. I continue to place my faith in Him, as He leads me to higher heights.”

As the new rural renewal program co-ordinator, Tracy embodies the spirit of Medicine Hat: a city that welcomes newcomers, values innovation and offers a quality of life that is hard to find elsewhere. Her story is a testament to our city’s allure and its potential to inspire and attract talented individuals from around the world.

Medicine Hat is not just a place on the map; it’s a community where dreams can take root and flourish.

Andrea Webb, corporate communications specialist

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