January 15th, 2025

Common Sense Health: Stop killing the kidneys with garbage

By Dr. Gifford-Jones and Diana Gifford-Jones on September 6, 2024.

Multiple studies have shown that a diet of fruits and vegetables reduces blood pressure. Since hypertension kills millions of people each year, the message seems clear. But this is not the first time consumers have been told that a veggie diet is superior to one of meat. Now there’s another important message that millions of North Americans have not learned. It’s that people of all ages keep killing their kidneys by eating highly processed garbage day after day. Despite the evidence, they embrace this silent killer until the doctor says they need kidney dialysis or a renal transplant to save their life.

First, know the basic facts. The kidneys, like the gastrointestinal system, remove waste. These two bean-shaped organs, each the size of your fist, are master chemists too. They regulate blood pressure, balance body fluids, produce hormones and red blood cells, and keep the blood from being too acidic or too alkaline. To accomplish all these tasks, the kidneys filter the blood in our body over and over every day. It’s a huge undertaking.

Based on the research, one would think we would all be eating predominantly fruits and vegetables to help ensure healthy longevity to kidneys. Each kidney contains between 200,000 and one-or-more million nephrons. The number declines naturally with age or at an accelerated pace when asked to work overtime. Each nephron is an individual filter that removes urea from the blood while returning water and nutrients into circulation. Fruits and vegetables, including plant-based proteins, are easier on aging or compromised kidneys because they generally involve fewer toxins or other nutrients such as sodium, potassium, protein, or acid content that must be removed or balanced.

Don’t be fooled by artificial foods that mimic meat and claim to be vegetables. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients on the label, think twice.

What are other bad habits that are damaging so many kidneys? Shakespearean described the problem best with the line from Julius Caesar, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves”. We are the victims of our own stupidity.

When you ask people to put all their pills in a paper bag, it’s amazing what you see. Look in that bag to get a clear picture of what’s been going on for years. North Americans have become victims of “Pillitis”. They rush to the pharmacy whenever they have simple ache and pain. Compared to our forebearers, we’ve become wimps about pain. Worse, they allow themselves to develop chronic conditions that doctors will treat with endless medication. What’s the result? Evolution did not prepare the kidneys to metabolize all this synthetic junk. The heavy workload causes them to start to fail, slowly and surely.

Researchers in the UK report that 34% of adults over 75 have severe levels of kidney disease. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) is contributing to such shocking statistics.

Researchers at the University of California also reported years ago this damning statistic, that the misuse of drugs resulted in a 19 percent increase every year in patients requiring renal dialysis machines.

We could point to many more studies. But people do not heed the advice, and they die prematurely.

What’s the message? A diet of fruits and vegetables helps improve blood pressure. It also lowers risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, macular degeneration of the eyes, arthritis and gastrointestinal troubles. But even if people adjust their diet, chronic kidney disease will continue to increase until people stop abusing their kidneys with garbage painkillers and endless other medications.

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