March 10th, 2025

Viva Vitality: Be a safe pedestrian

By Andrea Klassen on August 30, 2024.

September brings the start of a new school year and the reminder to slow down in school and playground zones. Reminding your children to be smart pedestrians is equally important. Injuries related to motor vehicle and pedestrian collisions include head, organ and bone injuries. Although most children survive these types of collisions, they are often left with long-term disabilities and permanent damage.

Reducing traffic speed can greatly reduce the risk of a collision with a pedestrian. Slowing down to marked speeds in school zones will account for a greater reaction time to stop if a child steps in front of you. At speeds that exceed 30 to 40 km/h, the driver is more likely to make a mistake in judging the time required to stop for a pedestrian.

Even small reductions in vehicle speed will reduce the chance of severe injury if a collision does occur. A pedestrian struck by a car travelling at 50 km/h is eight times more likely to be killed than someone hit at 30 km/h.

It is important to teach your children pedestrian safety, no matter how old they are. As soon as you begin walking with your children you should teach them pedestrian safety. Use the 3 P’s: Pause, Point and Proceed. Continually teach your children to use these strategies to safely cross the street. Education should be based around your child’s development; this will change dramatically from seven to 14 years of age.

Encourage your children not to wear earphones while crossing the street. As a pedestrian, you should always be aware of what is around you. Earphones can impede hearing and judgement when it comes to motor vehicles and trains.

As youth start using cellphones it is crucial they are aware of their surroundings when crossing the street. Research has shown that children have an increased risk of being struck or nearly struck by a vehicle while using a cellphone.

When distracted by a cellphone conversation or texting, individuals are less attentive to traffic, leave less time between their crossing and the next oncoming vehicle, and experience more collisions and near misses with oncoming traffic. Individuals, including adults, who are constantly looking down at their phones to text while crossing the street are vastly unaware of the traffic patterns around them and compromise their safety.

Pedestrian safety is important for all ages. When reminding your children this September, look at your own habits when it comes to cellphone usage and crossing the street safely. Let’s all help make our roads injury free.

Andrea Klassen is a health promotion facilitator with Alberta Health Services, Healthier Together

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