March 10th, 2025

Science Smarts: Patty Rooks

By Patty Rooks on August 3, 2024.

I think that in order to truly experience science you need to get messy. Yes, really messy. Not to mention messy often means fun! This week, I thought I would share one of my favourite messy experiments – be sure to do this outside to save on clean up. Let’s get started!

*Remember to ask an adult before doing this experiment.


– Sandwich size zipper baggies

– Water

– Vinegar

– Baking soda

– Tissue

– Measuring spoons

– Measuring cups

– Outdoor location


1. Take a tissue and separate it into layers. You will only need one layer for this experiment.

2. Place the tissue on a flat surface and place 30 mL (two tablespoons) of baking soda in the middle of the tissue. Fold it up so it looks like a neat little package. Set aside for now.

3. Measure 125 mL (1/4 cup) of vinegar and pour it into the zipper baggies. Close the baggie up.

4. Go outside OR to a location you can get messy!

5. Unzip the baggie and put the baking soda packet inside.

6. QUICKLY zip up the baggie.

7. I suggest throw it and run away.

8. Cover your ears!!

9. Observe.

What is going on?

The baggie should have begun to fill up, fill up, fill up – and explode. Why??

Well, the mixture of vinegar (acetic acid) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) combine and create a chemical reaction. This reaction in turn releases carbon dioxide. You have the carbon dioxide trapped inside of the bag and it has nowhere to go until – the bag explodes!

Mark your calendars, the Praxis AGM is fast approaching on Wednesday, Sept. 11. We are always looking for volunteer board members, so please consider joining us. If interested, please reach out to Patty for further details.

Patty Rooks, senior scientific consultant PRAXIS, “Connecting Science To The Community.” Contact Praxis at,, Tweet or follow us @PraxisMedHat, or friend us on Facebook. Address: 12 826 11th Street SE, Medicine Hat, AB, T1A 1T7 Phone: 403-527-5365, email:

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