March 10th, 2025

Service Above Self: Sharing life interests to help around the world

By Medicine Hat Rotary Club on June 25, 2024.

When you enter many cities, you often see the familiar Rotary wheel welcoming you. The symbol reminds you that Rotarians work around the community, around the province, the country and the world. This month, we’ll see how three individuals used their interests and experiences to help internationally.

Meet Alain Guerard, retired logistics specialist. He knows how to get anything from anywhere to somewhere else in the world. He is also a volunteer at AJ’s Loan Cupboard in Medicine Hat.

When he learned of the need for rehabilitative medical equipment for war victims in Ukraine, he went into action. With the co-operation of AJ’s, he arranged to ship excess items like crutches of all kinds, wheelchairs, walkers, and other items.

Co-ordinating with the Rotary Club of Calgary North and Grant McEwan University with generous donations of dental equipment and emergency vehicles, he worked with Western Crating and WTS Logistics of Calgary and Edmonton to fill a container loaded strategically for ocean travel, to be shipped pro bono to the World Freight Group in Poland, and then destuffed at various locations in Ukraine needing specific medical items. June was the first shipment, which is his trial run for more containers to help in Europe.

Among items in his next shipment to Ukraine will be a rare pair of crutches with their own story, a gift of hope, donated by our second Rotarian, Richard, of the Rotary Club of Calgary North.

“I was visiting islands in the South Pacific. While in the ocean one evening, I felt a sudden punch in my right thigh, then a creepy slithering sensation as the menacing sea monster went on its way.”

Blood was everywhere. Richard was close enough to shore that one man leapt to his rescue, tore off his shirt, and used it as a tourniquet. While others used their cellphones to video, this man put Richard in his car despite the profuse bleeding and took him to a hospital where “there was no doctor … but they had bandages and morphine to get me through the night.”

Richard could get no help to arrange for a medical evacuation.

“I became increasingly concerned for my life and safety. People in surrounding beds did not seem to be recovering; they seemed to be disappearing. After a few days and an alarming earthquake … in the middle of the night, I commandeered a wheelchair and made my way out of the ward.

“I hid in a dark corner of the hospital parking lot.”

A stranger got him a stick to use as a cane and drove Richard to his lodgings. That next day, Richard went to a meeting of Rotarians in Port Vila. They found him a qualified doctor who saw him immediately and helped save his life.

Along the way The Crutches entered Richard’s life. More than mobility, The Crutches gave him hope. Porta Vila Rotarians helped him get back to Canada and to the assistance of other Rotarians in Calgary, who guided him to more additional medical care.

“The frightening impression on my thigh bears no semblance to the grateful impression on my heart for the goodwill of my fellow Rotarians to whom I owe my life.”

Now, Richard is sending The Crutches to Ukraine to hopefully save a life and offer hope for a healed future. Their story has been translated into Ukrainian and attached to their special packaging. Rotarians in Kyiv are already calling them “The Magic Crutches.”

Our logistics friend, Alain Guerard, says they will be treated and transported as a sacred embodiment of friendship to a civilian or veteran in Ukraine.

Our third Rotarian using one of her special interests to help with medical aid to Ukraine is Kim Dominguez, a member of the Rotary E-Club of Canada One.

Kim is a walker. At age 4.5 years, she pushed her dolly in a buggy six kilometres before anyone could find her.

Canada, Australia, New Zealand – wherever she is, you’ll find her on the trails. She decided to use her “habit” to attract funds for medical assistance to Ukraine through a GoFundMe page.

She is walking 2,411 miles, the distance from Southern Spain, where her husband Juan was born, to Kyiv, Ukraine.

“With your help, we can raise money to ensure that Ukrainians have the medical supplies they desperately need right now. All monies collected will be managed through the Rotary Club of Calgary North Foundation.”

To join her, Google: GoFundMe: Fundraiser by Kimberley Dominguez: Walk for Ukraine.

Three Canadians, three Rotarians – using their interests, talents and experience to help in the world. Why don’t you join in?

Want to help the Ukrainian Medical Support Project, donate equipment, sponsor shipping, share your special expertise? Text: Alain Guerard equipment 403-585-8686; general inquiries Kitt Brand at 403-928-1681 (Medicine Hat), or business contributions Gerry Darichuk at 403-818-0735 (Calgary).

This column is contributed by members of the Medicine Hat Rotary Club

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