March 8th, 2025

Viva Vitality: New Year’s resolutions with AHS Quit Core

By Rita Aman on December 29, 2023.

As we approach a new year, like clockwork, all the resolution ideas start to appear.

Make 2024 your year! Set your goals! Get organized! Lose weight! Quit Smoking!

If you are a smoker, you may have made a resolution to quit smoking. Maybe this is your “annual” quitting smoking resolution.

While there is value in setting a quit date, is Jan. 1 the best date for you? Is there pressure or unrealistic expectation associated with a New Year’s resolution? Will you have done the necessary planning and preparation to quit? Will you be able to make quitting smoking your top priority? If not, perhaps there is a better time.

While it is unlikely you will find a perfect day to quit smoking, it is so important to give yourself enough time to prepare by first selecting a quit method and getting your plan in place. This will help you stay on track and be successful.

Maybe you need to try a new approach to quitting. Have you considered a group program?

Quit Core is a free six-week group cessation program that provides support for adults 18 and older. Through the program you will discover new tips and strategies to deal with stress, cravings and triggers. You will connect with others to share experiences and encourage and support one another through the quitting process. You will be supported in designing a quit plan that works best for you because one of the most effective ways to successfully quit is to have a good plan.

There are many things to consider in your plan before you quit. Will you use stop-smoking medication? A nicotine replacement therapy? What are your triggers for smoking? How will you mange stress, boredom and social situations?

We can help you join the one million Albertans that have quit smoking. Be sure to talk about your quit plan with your physician, pharmacist and health professionals.

Quit Core virtual groups are offered regularly. In-person groups may also be available close to home. Visit or call 1-866-710- QUIT (7848) for dates and locations. There is no fee, but you must pre-register.

There is help for you to begin your smoke-free life. No matter how long you have smoked, you will enjoy improved health by quitting.

In fact, it is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health and life.

Rita Aman is a health promotion facilitator with Alberta Health Services’ Population Health Promotion Program

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