March 6th, 2025

All Psyched Up: Overwhelmed?

By Linda Hancock on September 30, 2023.

So many times, I hear people say they are just so busy that they are overwhelmed. There are many reasons why this occurs and as many strategies to change the situation.

Reasons why you feel overwhelmed could be that you:

1. Are trying to do too many things – Are you a “people pleaser” who doesn’t know how to say “no” to other people? Perhaps you volunteer to do things even when you haven’t even been asked? Many people sign up for far more than is reasonable and then become stressed in trying to get everything done.

2. Aren’t delegating – Often people take on all the tasks even when they have other people in their family or organizations who aren’t doing anything. Assigning responsibilities and asking for help can feel like you are imposing until you learn how to do it with skill and good results.

3. Have unrealistic expectations – Being able to successfully achieve goals involves having deadlines that are realistic and letting go of perfectionistic tendencies. Many times, over the years, I have worked long hours trying to complete something with extremely high standards in a short period of time only to realize that I was the only one who cared!

4. Are dealing with procrastination issues – Neglecting things usually doesn’t mean that they will go away. In fact, they often pile up to the point that there is more work to be done in the long run. Better to do things in small steps towards completion as things arise then to face large demands in the future.

Dealing with overwhelm strategies include:

1. Getting enough rest – I know that I can accomplish so much more, in a shorter period of time and in a better mood when I am not feeling tired. Sometimes even a short nap will make all the difference!

2. Let go of the past – When you are thinking about things that are long gone, you are wasting your time and energy. There is nothing that you can do to solve issues that are over. In fact, when it comes right down to it, you might be the only person who even remembers that there were issues!

3. Avoid worrying about the future – People waste a lot of time thinking about what might happen only to find out that it doesn’t. When you find yourself thinking “what if?” then it is time to stop yourself. You cannot control the future just by worrying about it.

4. Focus on the present – Do the things that you can control today. Make a list of things that you need to do and rank them by priority. Spend some time thinking about how you will do them before starting. Consider how you could recruit help and ask for it. Gather up all the supplies you will need. Establish reasonable expectations and let go of things that can be done on another day.

Being overwhelmed can be a horrible feeling. Once you realize, however, that you are likely the person who has created this situation and therefore can resolve it, you will feel so much better!

Dr. Linda Hancock, the author of “Life is An Adventure…every step of the way” and “Open for Business Success” is a Registered Psychologist who has a private practice in Medicine Hat. She can be reached at 403-529-6877 or through email

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