March 6th, 2025

Viva Vitality: Create a family media plan

By AMANDA POLL on July 14, 2023.

How much time do you and your family spend online or in front of screens/monitors? It is probably more than you realize.

This is where a family media plan can be very helpful. By creating a family media plan, you can be aware of when and how you, and your family, are using media and technology.

It is important to recognize that applying screen time limits will be more impactful if it applies to all members of the family, including the adults. You can revise your plan as often as you need to, such as at the beginning of each school year or during summer and holiday breaks.​

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating your family media plan:

• Put in place a “media curfew” at mealtime and bedtime, putting all devices away or plugging them into a charging station (outside of the bedroom) for the night.

• Limit entertainment screen time to less than two hours per day. Excessive media use has been associated with obesity, lack of sleep, school problems, aggression and other behaviour issues.

• For children under two years old, substitute unstructured play and human interaction for screen time.

• Take an active role in your children’s media education by viewing programs with them and discussing what you watched and how it does or doesn’t match your family values.

• Be firm about not viewing content that is not age appropriate: sex, drugs, violence, etc. Take the time to look at movie, TV and video game ratings. Looking up online reviews also can help parents to stick to their rules.

• Keep the computer in a public part of your home, so you can check on what your kids are doing online and how much time they are spending there.

• Talk about being good ‘digital citizens.’ Discuss with your children that every place they go on the internet may be ‘remembered’ and comments they make will stay there indefinitely. Impress upon them that they are leaving behind a ‘digital footprint.’They should not take actions online that they would not want to be on the record for a very long time.

From TV to smartphones to social media, our lives are dominated by 24/7 media exposure. Despite this, many children and teens have few rules around their media use. When used appropriately, media can enhance daily life. When used inappropriately or without thought, media can displace many important activities such as face-to-face interaction, family time, outdoor play, exercise, unplugged downtime and sleep. Children and youth need caring adults to help them balance their online and off-line lives.

The Digital Wellness Coalition works to share information about digital wellness and literacy – check out their website at and follow Digital Wellness Coalition on Facebook and Instagram for access to resources and information that will help your family maintain digital wellness!

Media is everywhere and managing it all can be tough. Creating a family media plan can help you and your family maintain your physical, mental and digital wellness.

Amanda Poll is a Health Promotion Facilitator with Alberta Health Services specializing in Young Family Wellness.

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