March 6th, 2025

Science Smarts: Candy-coated science experiment

By Patty Rooks on April 1, 2023.

Oh what a busy week I have had. All the young scientists in southeastern Alberta were getting ready for the Regional Fair on April 1. I cannot believe all the heard work that went into these projects. A final one that stood out this week provided me with the inspiration for this week’s article. In case you cannot make it down to Medicine Hat College to see it, you can try it out right at home. Let’s gets started!

*Always remember to ask an adult before doing any science experiment.


– Smarties® (or other hard shell coated candy)

– Water

– Coffee filter

– Plate

– Bowl

– Scissors

– Sodium chloride (salt)

– Medicine dropper

– Measuring spoons

– Measuring cups


1. Cut the coffee filter into a LARGE circle.

2. Place the coffee filter onto the plate.

3. Put one of your favourite coloured Smarties® in the middle of the coffee filter.

4. In the bowl, mix a weak salt water solution with 5 mL (one teaspoon) of salt in 125 mL (1/2 cup) of water in the bowl.

5. Using the medicine dropper, gently add one drop of water onto the Smartie®

6. Repeat step 5 slowly until the Smartie® is wet and there is a circle of water on the coffee filter is about 5 cm across.

7. Leave the Smartie® alone for a few minutes.

8. Make observations of the Smartie®. What do you see?

9. Try with different colors of Smarties®, just remember to use a new piece of coffee filter each and every time you try a different color.

What is going on?

Hmm… did you realize that you are not really eating a red candy? As you observed, the colour of your candy is not really that colour – red, blue, yellow, brown colours are actually made up of MANY different colours.

The candy coating is dissolved in the salt water solution you made. It is further drawn out with the coffee filter (which acts like filter paper) which helps with what is called capillary action (the paper is drawing the water into it, and along with the colour from the candy). As the water grows in a circle around the Smartie® you will see the pattern of the different dyes that make up that particular colour. Did you know that the heavier dyes stay closer to the Smartie® and the lighter ones are carried out further away?

Do not forget to register for the Regional Science Fair on April 1 – it is open to ALL students in southeastern Alberta. If you have time, pop into the College today and have a look at these amazing projects!

Patty Rooks, Senior Scientific Consultant PRAXIS, “Connecting Science To The Community”. Contact Praxis at,, Tweet or follow us @PraxisMedHat, or friend us on Facebook. Address: #12 826 11 Street S. E., Medicine Hat, Alberta, T1A 1T7 Phone: 403.527.5365, email:

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