March 5th, 2025

All Psyched Up: Crisis!

By Linda Hancock on March 18, 2023.

Over the past weeks there has been considerable talk about events occurring throughout the world that many categorize as a crisis. Before you get all worked up about this, consider the following:

1. Their crisis might not be your crisis. Remember the children’s story of Chicken Little who convinced all of his friends that the sky was falling? It wasn’t, but the friends believed Chicken Little and let it ruin their day.

2. Most of us could, with a little sacrifice, do with far less than what we now have. I remember the days before credit and debit cards when we survived (and thrived) on what was in our pockets. When they were empty, we made do or did without.

3. The world has come out of many great crises and prospered afterwards. My mom used to tell me about difficulties of those on the home front during World War II. They were worried about their loved ones who went off to fight for freedom and also faced hardship during the wait.

4. Each of us has skills and resiliency. Cooking at home, mending rather than buying and creating entertainment instead of seeking it at a price are all good options that can be done in both good and difficult times.

5. Crises can remind us to think about our values and needs. Are there things you have been neglecting that are craving your attention? Perhaps you have been focusing on your wants rather than your needs.

6. We cannot control the world, but we do have control over some things. What can you change that would help you in the future?

7. Are you feeding the frenzy by spending too much time listening to naysayers? Years ago I heard a speaker state that we become the books we read, the things we watch and the people we hang out with. Time to assess these three influencers and decide if they are helping you or bringing you down.

8. Use common sense. This doesn’t include impulsivity! Think and plan a course of action before you take any steps that you might later regret.

9. Remember all the times that you witnessed people working together in crisis times. Floods, hurricanes, famines, and other disasters demonstrate humanity’s compassion and teambuilding efforts.

10. Determine where you can find strength and hope. Think of the times when you believed in and prayed for a good outcome and got it!

11. Practice positive self-talk. Remind yourself of the blessings in your life (not just material) and calm yourself as you would a small child who is afraid of a storm.

12. Seek professional help if overwhelmed with fear and don’t know how to conquer it.

I often listen to Lynette Zang who does videos on YouTube. She states that in order to deal with a crisis you need to be prepared with six things: food, water, energy, shelter, security, and community. The most important, according to Lynnette, is community.

I am not stating that there is going to be a crisis but Lynette’s words seem to be very wise!

Dr. Linda Hancock, the author of “Life is An Adventure…every step of the way” and “Open for Business Success” is a Registered Psychologist who has a private practice. Visit or email her at

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