March 5th, 2025

Science Smarts: Testing the scientific method

By Patty Rooks on March 4, 2023.

I have been visiting classrooms the past few months assisting students as they put together their Science Fair projects. The virtual science fair and the in-person Kiwanis Regional Science Fair are fast approaching so there is not a minute to waste!

As a promise to some of my students for working so hard, I will do a fun little science experiment with them testing all the components of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD we learned about. I have had to think long and hard what I am going to do as their projects are absolutely amazing. My work has been cut out for me, and the experiment below is one that I am seriously considering sharing with my hard working students. Let’s get started!

*Remember to have an adult do this experiment with you.


– Candle

– Balloons

– Water

– Safety goggles

– Matches


1. Blow a balloon up as you would normally. Tie it off and set it aside.

2. Place the candle in a SAFE location. Have your adult helper light the candle.

3. Put safety goggles on.

4. Hold the balloon about 30 centimetres above the flame. Be patient.

5. What happens?

6. Take a new balloon and fill it up with water; NOW blow the balloon up and tie it off.

7. Hold the balloon (with water in it) over the flame once again. Even go as far as hold it in the flame for a minute. WHAT??

8. Be patient.

9. What happens?

What is going on?

When I do this experiment, I never tell the students which balloon has water and which one does not. I try to get them to explain to me why one popped and the other did not. They have to make a HYPOTHESIS.

What is going on in this experiment is that the balloon WITHOUT water will pop (quite easily). The balloon that has water in it should not have popped. This is because the water absorbs the heat from the flame of the candle. That thin little layer of latex from the balloon allows the heat to pass quickly into the water inside warning it up. As this water heats up, it is exchanged with cooler water higher up in the balloon and the cycle continues. This exchange of heat is quite simply what keeps the balloon from bursting!

Registration is now open for the Regional Science Fair. Do NOT miss out this year – I am looking forward to seeing all young scientists there! Visit

Patty Rooks, Senior Scientific Consultant PRAXIS, “Connecting Science To The Community”. Contact Praxis at,, Tweet or follow us @PraxisMedHat, or friend us on Facebook. Address: #12 826 11 Street S. E., Medicine Hat, Alberta, T1A 1T7 Phone: 403.527.5365, email:

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