March 5th, 2025

Mental Wellness Matters: Child at heart

By MICHELLE DEMINICK on February 24, 2023.

No matter our age we still have a child that dwells within us. It is important to let your inner child have fun.

Sometimes as we grow and age we have so much responsibility that we forget how to play and enjoy life. Life for many might feel like a chore with so many things we have to do and accomplish. We wake up, shower, get ready, eat, drink coffee and head to work. By the time we get home we may feel exhausted but our day is not over, we still have to cook supper, clean, spend time with the kids, that we often forget about ourself and what we need.

Take a moment and ask yourself what your little child liked to do when they were young that you can bring into your life right now and at this very moment?

You might say, “I can’t do that, I am an adult.”

What most people may not know is if we have had trauma as a child, had to grow up fast and had no time to play, or maybe have not grown up fully and decided to not have any responsibilities in life. All these examples and more have left our inner child sad, lost and unloved.

No matter how old we are, our inner child is still with us and wanting attention, love and compassion. Paying attention to our inner child and their needs is an important way to take care of ourselves, it is self-care for the soul.

As an adult and a facilitator here at Canadian Mental Health Association, I teach participants who come and take part in classes, groups and courses about how beneficial self- care and loving your inner child and having fun is key to your mental health and wellness.

I try to be a positive role model and show others that I still have fun and will play at the park with my granddaughter or dance and sing around my house.

Play is essential for our mental health and well being. If you are finding yourself having a stressful day, stop and ask yourself, “What can I do for myself that is fun and brings me joy?” I guarantee your stress will diminish fast when you engage with your child self as you feel a sense of freedom, you will smile more, laugh more, and enjoy life more.

Try it today, you will thank me!

If you are interested please come check out the groups and courses that CMHA, Recovery College has to offer.

Michelle Deminick is the Recovery Trainer at Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Southeast Region and can be reached at or 403-504-1811. To find out more about CMHA programs and/or events visit If you are in crisis, call the Distress Centre at (403) 1-800-784-2433.

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