March 4th, 2025

By the Way: What does it take to be a disciple these days?

By REV. KRISTY REIMERS-LOADER on August 20, 2022.

By the way, what does it take to be a disciple these days?

When those of us in Churchland are trying to figure out how to attract more people to join us in the pews on Sunday morning, what do we have to offer them? How will they know we’re the real deal?

Jesus tells us in John’s Gospel: “By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” “Everyone will know;” that is, not just those who appear to be good, clean, and/or respectable.

“Everyone will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Love is the sole condition Jesus places upon the question of discipleship.

What does love look like? It looks like kindness. It’s forgiveness and compassion. Love is understanding that every life holds its challenges, hardships and heartbreak. Love is forbearing to judge others based on appearances. Love is respect. Loyalty.

We are called to love the person for themselves, whether they’re wearing a business suit or the clothes they slept in last night.

We are called to love others whether or not they love us back. God loves everyone, and every one of us carries the dignity of the image of God.

Friends, if love isn’t what we’re striving to show and share – if we’re honouring anything more than love – can we truly call ourselves disciples?

Rev. Kristy Reimers-Loader, Priest in the Anglican Church of Canada

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