March 4th, 2025

All Psyched Up: We all have hidden skills

By DR. LINDA HANCOCK on April 2, 2022.

As a teenager in small town Saskatchewan, I felt privileged to be able to take driver training classes. I worked hard at the written part and thought I was ready for the driving test.

Unfortunately, the tester, who travelled from Regina each week, shared an office with my dad who was Credit Union Manager. This meant dad knew when the testing was to occur.

Everything seemed to go fine until it came to parallel parking. I thought that I would do this without problem until I noticed my dad standing on the corner watching us. From then on, I didn’t have a chance!

I tried several times to maneuver the car into the parking spot, without success. The instructor was very kind and asked, “Would you like to come back next week to try again?”

I surprised myself by replying, “I was really hoping to get my license today.” What a shock when the tester said he would make a deal with me. He said, “If you will just continue to practice, I will give you your license today.” I jumped at the offer and made the promise.

Well, it was almost 20 years later when I found myself facing the unfulfilled promise that I had made as a teen. I was working in Saskatoon and was returning to the office after a lunch break but couldn’t find a parking spot. Around and around the block I drove but there was only one parallel spot available on a side street. I knew I hadn’t practiced as promised so long ago but also didn’t want to end up late for work.

Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance. This is when two ideas are fighting with each other in your head causing distress. The solution is to choose to go with one of the thoughts to restore well-being.

One more lap around the block and I made up my mind. In less than a minute I navigated the most beautiful parallel parking endeavor that could ever be imagined. I was shocked! In fact, I began talking out loud to myself saying “Oh God, what else can I do that I have never practiced?”

Sometimes we get trapped into situations where we refuse to believe that we can do things. At other times, we allow fear or habit to prevent us from using skills that would make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

I just noticed on the calendar that this article will be published around April 1st which is generally recognized as April Fool’s Day.

Maybe this is a good time to think about whether we have been fools when it comes to using our skills or trying new things.

Well, it is time to start practicing!

Have fun with creating new adventures this week!

Dr. Linda Hancock, the author of “Life is An Adventure…every step of the way” and “Open for Business Success” is a Registered Psychologist who has a private practice. Visit or email her at

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