March 3rd, 2025

Eye on the Esplanade: Winds of change

By SANDI REIMER on January 28, 2022.

Artwork from the Esplanade Collection. Magpie on a Post (1987) by William (Bill) Stewart; woodblock print and watercolour. - SUBMITTED PHOTO

Watching a magpie trying to perch on the top of a large evergreen during a chinook made me think of the past year.

Every time the bird got settled and seemed secure, another gust of wind would scoop the branches from beneath its feet. Similarly, at the Esplanade, as per the City of Medicine Hat, we studied the latest guidelines from AHS and did our very best to understand and follow them. Just when we got a little comfortable and felt we had a handle on the situation, along came another “gust of wind” – another change to shake us off balance.

Periodically, we all moved ahead almost mirroring the calm of pre-pandemic times. Then once again, rental shows and events were being cancelled or postponed, sometimes on short notice, leaving not only ourselves, but also the guests, caterers and other community vendors reeling.

Box office staff notified patrons of new show dates or refunded tickets. Front-line staff and volunteers were rescheduled. Our rental clients adjusted with grace. Some postponed their event, moved to an online delivery, adjusted attendance maximums, and some had to cancel.

In all of this, I was struck by the unexpected levels of understanding. People pulled together to make things less stressful for one another. Notes of thanks were sent by patrons to encourage staff. Event clients offered help and trusted staff to help them through the ups and downs of holding an event during these uncertain times.

Maybe that is why I feel so optimistic for 2022. I am seeing this optimism reflected in the calls and emails I receive from rental booking clients as well. People are ready to celebrate and learn together. In my encounters, I experienced very little negativity and a lot of positive vibes making me proud of our community. Those who had survived a past pandemic, cultural upheaval, or even personal crisis already knew that unsettling situations will come in our lives but that one day these will also be a memory.

The magpie flew away when it realized the branches were not providing a solid perch, but a few days later, when the wind died down, it was back.

Sandi Reimer is Event Services Coordinator at the Esplanade

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