March 3rd, 2025

Viva Vitality: How does your garden grow?

By PAT MACINTOSH on June 4, 2021.

It’s that time of year again when we are eager to be planting our gardens; hoping to harvest our own fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. If you don’t have growing space of your own, there are other options for you. All of these can be found in the Medicine Hat and Area Local Food & Producers Directory. Look under ‘Resources’ at

Good Food Club – This is a not-for-profit group buying club in Medicine Hat and area. They buy fruit and vegetables in bulk from wholesales and local growers so members can get lower cost produce. Orders are placed by the first Thursday of each month and picked up on the second Thursday. Boxes come in three sizes, $10, $15 and $20. For more information call 403-502-6096 or go to

There are also some local businesses that offer food boxes: Amy’s Pantry, Sun Country Market and Veg-N-Out Farms. All contact information is in the directory or can be found on Facebook.

U-Picks – I love being able to pick my own fruits and vegetables! My mom and I make Saskatoon picking an event every year. Common fruits available include Saskatoon berries, sour cherries, raspberries and strawberries. Some U-picks may offer rhubarb, grapes, pumpkin and vegetables. You can find local growers in the directory. You can also find others at these two links: or

Greenhouses and market garden stalls – We are lucky in Southern Alberta to have so many greenhouses. Many sell their produce to the public; usually with a cash box on the honor system as they are not staffed. Typically, you can find peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and herbs. Some also have carrots, corn, potatoes, onions and more. There are just too many local growers to list here but you can find them in the Directory!

Community Supported Agriculture – Members purchase a share of the farmer’s locally grown seasonal produce. Some producers may also include farm eggs and meat as part of the sales. Some farms are organic. Many are chemical- and genetically modified organism-free.

Members can expect a weekly share of items from about mid-June through September. Produce varies week to week depending on the growing season. In Southeast Alberta, there are two local growers that sell shares in their produce: Neubauer Farms and Desert Springs Farm.

Farmer’s Markets – Most communities have farmer’s markets in the summer months where you can find home-made, baked or grown products. Many of the local growers mentioned above also sell their products at the local markets. Check out your local events!

These are just a few ways to “find your garden growing.” Have fun exploring other sources of fresh produce in your area this summer!

Note: The Food Connections Directory includes local producers of other items such as meat, eggs, honey as well.

Pat MacIntosh is a Registered Dietitian with Alberta Health Services, Nutrition Services. She can be reached by e-mail,

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