March 4th, 2025

By the Way: Christ is who attracts people

By Pastor Roland Weisbrot on February 1, 2020.

I am often asked the question, how do we as Christians effectively evangelize? Well, I would argue that it is less difficult than people think – but first some background.

Many people see evangelism as an intellectual endeavour, which takes the form of what we call modern apologetics. Effective, highly intelligent, apologists like William Lane Craig and the late Norman Geisler formulate presuppositions and doctrines for Christians to assent to by attempting to rationalize Scriptural truths: Particularly ones that are difficult for the materialistic and scientific minds of our age to accept, like the resurrection or the virgin birth of Jesus. The formulations are then tested against opposing views in a “winner takes all” debate. Though this model has proven fruitful to some degree, Christianity is not simply a philosophical club full of people using their intellect to assent to rationalist doctrines.

Other people see evangelism solely through the lens of social service. Scripture is chock-full of verses exhorting the faithful to meet the needs of the poor, the orphans, the widows, etc. So, by striving to meet these needs through charity and volunteerism, many Christians believe (rightly) that they are effectively witnessing Christ and evangelizing through their actions. Although service to others is one of the cores of Christian identity, Christianity cannot not be reduced to a social service organization with some “optional” religious elements. After all, if you feed your neighbour but do not address the needs of his or her soul (or even try to), you are only helping them in the material short-term.

So how then do we as Christians effectively evangelize? We become like Christ.

In a rather illuminating and blunt critique, Mahatma Gandhi, the 20th-century champion of Indian independence and identity, once said: “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” You see, what attracts people to our faith is Christ; for Christ alone simultaneously captivates and offends the hearts and minds of humanity. In a fallen world where hatred, jealousy, rage, prejudice, greed, corruption and all other forms of sinful nastiness are the norm, the radical self-giving love found in the Gospel at the foot of the Cross is truly a guiding light in the darkness (cf. Matt. 4:16, John 1:5, John 8:12). So, the best way to evangelize is simply to emulate this love in our lives as much as we possibly can by becoming more like Christ each and every day through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Roland Weisbrot is the associate pastor at Victory Lutheran Church.

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