March 4th, 2025

All Psyched Up: Consequences

By Dr. Linda Hancock on January 17, 2020.

Sir Isaac Newton was a scientist who studied motion. His third law states: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Simply put, this means that in every interaction there are two forces at play. The size of the force on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. Big action, big results.

Now that might seem complex but all it really means is that we will face consequences – positive or negative – depending on our actions.

For example, debt and payment of debt interact. When you make a payment on your credit card, the balance owed will be reduced. The bigger the payment, the less debt you will have left. Ignoring or not making the minimum payment will cause you to be penalized and lose respect from the credit card company and others who might otherwise finance you.

Studying and learning skills usually interact with the workplace by opening the door to better opportunities. The higher the degree, the more you will earn.

But the law also can result in negative consequences. If you drink or use drugs while working in a safety-sensitive job where there is zero tolerance, you will risk your employment status. If you are nasty to your partner over time, you will likely jeopardize your relationship and possibly face divorce. Eating more than you need to function every day will result in being overweight and make you more vulnerable to illness.

I find that often clients don’t understand the concept of short-term gain leading to long-term pain. They think that it is acceptable to enjoy the moment without thinking of how that choice might harm their future.

They purchase luxury items on credit that they really can’t afford and then have financial pressure when payments are due. They say mean things to their family members when they are hurt thinking that they can pay them back for hurting them. Often this results in them losing support from the partner as well as other family members in the future. They party hard and then lose their driver’s license or their job.

So, Newton had an interesting idea about motion that can actually be applied to our everyday life and personal choices. What you do and how strongly you do it, will result in consequences over time.

It’s time to get honest with ourselves. Take a piece of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle.

In the left-hand column write down positive things that you have been doing which have brought you success. In the right-hand column write the negative choices you have made and the consequences you face because of them.

Now here’s the good news. You can start improving your life right now by working on changing the items in the right-hand column. Every day make small changes and soon you will find that you have formed good habits!

Life is choices. Make sure you make good ones!

Dr. Linda Hancock, the author of “Life is An Adventure…every step of the way” and “Open for Business Success” is a Registered Psychologist who has a private practice in Medicine Hat. She can be reached at 403-529-6877or through email

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