March 4th, 2025

Viva Vitality: Trying to quit? AlbertaQuits can help

By Michelle Sauve on August 23, 2019.

You may have heard that quitting is a journey that can include many starts and stops along the way. Whether you have hit a few roadblocks or just found getting started overwhelming, I want to share some supports that you may find helpful.

Alberta Health Services supports Albertans to become tobacco/nicotine free through the AlbertaQuits program. The program is free, convenient and accessible. You can connect to support and resources in so many ways. This includes phone, text, email tips, group support and the website. AlbertaQuits also offers ways to connect on social media! Whether you prefer Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you will find the AlbertaQuits accounts offering messages of support and encouragement, highlighting upcoming support groups and reaching out to you to connect.

At you can access interactive learning tools such as the “savings calculator” which helps you see just how much you’ll be saving once you’re tobacco-free. You’ll be amazed at how it all adds up! There are quizzes, quit day tips and resources to help you manage withdrawal, cravings, stress and setbacks. There is also a community forum, shared stories, polls and milestones. The site even reminds you how important it is to reward yourself and celebrate your successes along the way.

Curious about other ways to receive support? There is a texting to quit program you can sign up for by creating a profile on the website. Prefer to chat on the phone? The AlbertaQuits helpline is free for all residents of Alberta, open to 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days per week. Call toll-free at 1-866-710-7848 to receive confidential, non-judgmental support from our trained quit counsellors. They will help you deal with cravings and help you stay motivated. Translation services are provided.

Would you prefer the support of a group? QuitCore is a free group support program that provides Albertans (18+) with the tools and skills they need to quit using tobacco. The program consists of six 90-minute sessions where you can share your stories, learn new coping strategies and celebrate milestones together. There are groups starting this fall across southern Alberta. Call the toll-free line today at 1-866-710-7848 to learn about groups available in your community!

What about vaping to quit? There are currently no vaping products approved as cessation aids by Health Canada. There is limited evidence that e-cigarettes may be effective aids to quit smoking for adults. The vapour from e-cigarettes is not just water. E-cigarette vapour can contain some of the same toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke that may cause cancer and heart disease, birth defects and respiratory effects. Vapour has been shown to contain heavy metals and nanoparticles, which can be harmful to breathe in. (Source: Alberta Health Services E-Cigarettes/Vaping Key Messages & Resources at

Questions about AlbertaQuits? Contact me by phone at 403-529-3582 or email at

Michelle Sauve is a tobacco reduction counsellor at Addiction and Mental Health Services, and can be reached via email at

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