March 4th, 2025

By the Way: Treasure for glowing hearts

By Rev. Dr. Nancy Cocks on July 27, 2019.

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” These words of Jesus have been on my mind lately. I’ve been thinking about what we treasure, especially the people, heirlooms and mementos that mean so much. As a single person, I really treasure my friendships. And I cherish my grandmother’s crystal glasses which my mother gave me when I first set up house many years ago. What would you name as your treasures? How do they claim your heart?

A book I read recently expanded my thinking on treasure. Mary Jo Leddy, a Catholic writer and refugee advocate in Toronto, just published an essay entitled “Why are we here?” It’s a meditation on Canada. She suggests that Canadians have inherited a kind of “fortress” mentality from our history as a colony, a mindset coloured by “standing against” things in those early days, like harsh weather, wild animals, or American raiders. Though we no longer take shelter in garrisons against such threats, Leddy argues that Canadians often shape our identities based on what we stand against – Canadian versus American values, West versus East, left versus right, Roughriders fans versus Stampeder fans! But such polarizing stances are not helping us engage in a constructive national dialogue about what Canada stands for. She invites us to meditate on the question “Why are we here?” She thinks our discussions about our future as a nation would be more fruitful if we can frame our positions constructively, discussing what Canada should stand for, rather than insisting on what we don’t like about other positions, with arms folded, frowns on our faces.

So Jesus’ words got me reflecting on what I treasure about Canada. I’ve worked in five different provinces, including B.C. and Nova Scotia. I treasure how easy it is to move from place to place, finding good friends in every community. I’ve benefited from five health care and education systems, enjoying spectacular scenery and warm hospitality, coast to coast. Through churches in every place I’ve called home, I’ve had the chance to work with refugees, all seeking safety in the face of incredible dangers we cannot even imagine here. From their brave stories, I learned how much we have to be thankful for as Canadians, even when we disagree with each other. I treasure Canada’s reputation as a welcoming country, a safe haven, defending human rights. We are not a perfect country, but considering the danger and disparity elsewhere, Canada is worth treasuring with our “glowing hearts.” Let’s stop sniping about what we don’t like about other Canadians and discuss what Canada should stand for in a difficult and dangerous world. For Jesus also reminds us that treasure can be lost if we don’t pay enough attention and really care for it.

Rev. Dr. Nancy Cocks is a retired Presbyterian minister.

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