March 4th, 2025

Mental Health Matters: Wear purple on June 15 for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

By Colleen Lewis on June 1, 2019.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is recognized each year on June 15 across our globe.

All abuse is wrong and older adults have the right to live free from abuse.

Did you know that according to the 2016 Census Profile, the senior population (65+) in Medicine Hat is 17.7%? This number is higher than both the Alberta average at only 12.3% and national average at 16.9%. This means that we currently have more seniors per capita than anywhere else in Canada, The number of seniors is a rapidly growing segment with almost one in five Albertans projected to be aged 65 or older by 2046.

Elder abuse is any action or inaction by a person(s) in a trusting relationship that jeopardizes the health or well being of an older adult causing harm or distress. Elder abuse can take several forms including financial, psychological or emotional, sexual, spiritual and/or neglect.

Elder abuse is complex in nature. Financial abuse is the most common type of abuse and family members are the most common type of abusers whether or not a senior is living in a care home or in the community.

The Canadian Mental Health Association here in Medicine Hat was the successful applicant of a one year grant from the Ministry of Seniors and Housing called “Aging Well in Community.” With these grant funds I was hired on April 1 to fill the position for elder abuse prevention. She and key stakeholders from Medicine Hat and area meet monthly as the co-ordinated community response (CCR) committee and as a group hold a membership with the Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council.

With this grant I will be providing education and raising awareness through Provincially recognized training called “It’s Not Right Family, Friends and Neighbours.” This training will teach participants to recognize the warning signs of elder abuse and ageism, how to respond safely and supportively to those older adults they are concerned about.

The prevalence rate for elder abuse in Canada is 8.9% (2015, National Survey on the mistreatment of Older Canadians). In Medicine Hat we have 11,125 seniors (2016 Medicine Hat Census Profile). This means that according to the national prevalence study, 990 seniors in our community experienced elder abuse. This does not include the seniors living in the many rural communities surrounding Medicine Hat who access services in our community.

One of the gaps in Medicine Hat that the CCR Committee has identified and was previously identified by CRANE when it was in existence is the absence of an older adult abuse case manager who would guide and support the older adult experiencing abuse in all its complexities.

Purple is the colour of abuse awareness. Please join the Medicine Hat and Area CCR Committee and all the organizations they represent by wearing purple on June 15.

For further information or to book a presentation please contact me.

Colleen Lewis works in elder abuse prevention with the Canadian Mental Health Association SE Region and can be reached at or 403.504.1811 Ext. 110

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