March 4th, 2025

The wrong kinds of protein and greens in water

By MH Interpretive Program and the Society for Grassland Naturalists on May 3, 2019.

What do gold fish, Prussian carp, pale yellow iris and flowering rush have in common? These are invasive aquatic species and have been identified in the Medicine Hat area. Want to know more about how to prevent and control these invasives? They have the potential to seriously harm our native fishery, wildlife habitat, and reduce water quality.

You are invited to learn more about aquatic invasive species, and how to prevent and control them. Nicole Kimmel, Alberta Environment’s Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist will be at Saturday’s Invasive Species workshop, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, at the Nature Centre at Police Point Park.

Those planning to attend are asked to register on Lunch and door prizes will be available. For more information, call the Nature Line at 403-529-6225.

Submitted by MH Interpretive Program and the Society for Grassland Naturalists

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