March 4th, 2025

All Psyched Up: Get rid of the stress

By Dr. Linda Hancock on April 26, 2019.

So many people tell me that they are overwhelmed and stressed out. They also state that they don’t know how to fix this. Following are 10 things you can do that will reduce your stress and bring some peace into your life:

1. Pay your bills – Make sure that what you owe is manageable. Better yet, pay cash for purchases and ensure that all invoices and loans payments are made before the due date.

2. Get enough rest – Turn off the television and computer. Have a warm bath and then crawl into a comfortable bed where it is quiet and dark. If you aren’t getting adequate rest, nothing will go as well as you might hope.

3. Protect your body – Are you feeding yourself nutritious food that you have planned and prepared in advance? Do you limit your alcohol, sugar, and caffeine intake? Make sure you have at least eight glasses of water a day and only ingest drugs that are prescribed.

4. Work hard – There are few things better than feeling a “good tired” after investing your time and talents into a project. My dad was a wonderful role model. He always had a full-time job and a second income that had flexible hours.

5. De-clutter – When you are surrounded by things that you don’t need your life becomes too complex. You can’t find things and feel weighed down. Time is wasted when you are looking for things or trying to live around the clutter.

6. Re-work your calendar – Busyness is not a virtue. I am frequently amazed when people tell me how busy they are as though this makes them valuable. At the same time, they present as tired, disorganized and often suffering from illnesses that go on and on.

7. Stop trying to please everyone – Your role is not to be a friend to your child. You do not need to sacrifice your time to repeatedly help people who do not help themselves. People who focus on meeting the needs (and wants) of others often end up being resentful because their needs are neglected.

8. Add pleasurable activities to every week – Make sure that you do something every single week that feeds your soul. Go for a walk, listen to music, court a hobby.

9. Read biographies – Most life stories tell stories of individuals who faced difficulties and, through effort and consistency, embraced some form of achievement. We can learn from the experiences of others if we will just pay attention.

10. Choose relationships carefully – Don’t impulsively believe that a person is who s/he says they are. Prince Charming and Cinderella are fictional characters. Not everyone lives happily ever after especially when they are fantasy rather than reality based.

You can make things better in your life. It will take work and time, but the rewards are well worth it.

Dr. Linda Hancock ( is the author of “Life is an adventure… every step of the way” and “Open for Business Success” is a Registered Psychologist who has a private practice in Medicine Hat, She can be reached at 403-529-6877 or through email

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