March 3rd, 2025

By the Way: Are you ready for the Trumpet Call?

By Pastor Lyle Berg on April 20, 2019.

In Matthew 24:31 Jesus tells us that in the last days prior to the Great Tribulation period that there would be a loud trumpet call.

Paul also tells us in 1 Thessalonians that there is a trumpet call bringing in the Great Rapture of Believers. For most Canadians and folk around the world they are so busy with life that if there was a Trumpet Call from Heaven it would be dismissed or ignored. Jesus further warned the World in Math. 24:38-39 that people like in the days of old would be carrying on ignoring the Signs of the Times as they are given, and would simply miss the coming of Jesus. As most have seen on YouTube or the news about Trumpet sounds, we were shook out of our sleep the other night 5 a.m. to be precise by the loudest trumpet noise we have ever heard.

Yeah, some may say we are dreaming but thousands around the world, in Medicine Hat, and the entire city of North Battleford Jan. 24, 2012 were woken to the Trumpets. Can’t be explained. I know even NASA tried to explain the noise to no avail.

Is this a prelude, a warning, or simply a dress rehearsal from Heaven? Either way there are quiet a few trumpets to come during Tribulation of which you do not want to be a part of, I assure you. One thing that I am sure of, though, is I am as Jesus instructed that we are to be ready at any given moment for the Trumpet Call of the Lord and the return of the King. As Paul warned us in 2 These. 2:3 that even good church folk will fall prey to being busy rather than being ready and he calls it a rebellion.

Being ready is very simple and I ask are you ready? Rom. 10:8-10 lays out the ground work for us to accept Jesus into our hearts, live for Him, ask forgiveness from Him alone, forgive others, and then get involved with a Bible believing church that loves Jesus.

Not so hard after all is it.

Remember that God desires the best for you and will help in any trial or difficulty you are going through.

Pastor Lyle Berg is from First Assembly of God.

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