March 3rd, 2025

All Psyched Up: What are you tolerating?

By Medicine Hat News on April 12, 2019.

A few years ago, I hired a personal coach. She taught me a wonderful concept that I have used to this day.

A toleration is something that drains our time and energy. It may be as small as a missing button or pile of paperwork that hasn’t been sorted. It may be something larger like a vehicle that doesn’t run or finishing a renovation project.

The problem is that we all tend to tolerate the things that drain our time, energy and patience. We put up with a messy garage and the fact that we cannot find the screwdriver that we need. We dig through closets looking for an outfit and then realize that it is wrinkled, and we can’t wear it without investing more time and effort.

If you want to gain back time and feel more in control, consider how you can eliminate the things that you are tolerating.

Begin by making a list of as many tolerations that you can think of even if you don’t see a solution for dealing with them at first. Keep adding to the list until you have at least 100 things that you are tolerating. I think you will be surprised about how many things are “bugging.” Up until now you have just ignored them and tried to work around them.

Once you have the list you will also likely be surprised by how many things are not only stealing your energy but also being neglected.

Next, go through the list and choose one thing that you can fix that will resolve several other things automatically. For example, if you clean the garage will it allow you to find tools more easily? Will you be able to park your car inside rather than having to park outside?

Success breeds success and in a short period of time you will be proud of your accomplishments and ready for more. There is great satisfaction in crossing things off the list. But remember, this is not a static project. It is a process and you will need to keep adding things to the list.

Finally, develop a plan so that you won’t have reoccurrence of the same things over and over again. I remember my Home Ec teacher in high school saying over and over again “Have a place for everything and keep everything in its place.”

If you don’t have a place for everything, perhaps you have too many things and need to downsize. Or maybe you need an organizer to help you with the initial plan.

If you have a place for everything and you don’t keep it in its place, perhaps you need to have a talk with yourself and develop some self-discipline.

So, let’s begin. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a line vertically down the middle. Label each column – one will be “Personal” and the other “Work.” Then start writing down at least 100 things that you have been tolerating. You have just taken the first step towards success!

Dr. Linda Hancock ( is the author of “Life is an adventure… every step of the way” and “Open for Business Success” is a Registered Psychologist who has a private practice in Medicine Hat, She can be reached at 403-529-6877 or through email

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