March 3rd, 2025

Viva Vitality: The smoker has to want to quit

By Medicine Hat News on January 11, 2019.

Quite often, I receive phone calls from family members of smokers asking “how can I get them to quit? I am really worried about him/her.”

Their concerns are genuine and heartfelt. They want the best for their loved one and want them to change. Unfortunately, my response may not be the answer they are looking for when I say, “you can’t make them quit or do it for them.”

The decision to quit smoking or using tobacco must be made by the smoker, in their own time, for their own reasons. However, there is much you can do to help them through the quitting process.

In fact, in the Quit Core group cessation program we discuss the importance of having support from family and friends. We provide information for participants to share with their support people on how to best support them through this process. It is a very important component to the quitting journey. Participants are encouraged to seek encouragement and support from family/friends. It can be one of the most important factors in their success in quitting.

Here is a brief do’s and don’ts list for support people:


-Lecture or preach or shame

-Suggest struggles are weakness or lack of will power

-Criticize their tobacco use

-Express doubt that they will ever be successful

-Send them on a guilt trip about their tobacco use


-Congratulate them on their decision to quit

-Share your confidence in their ability to quit and remain quit

-Celebrate quit day

-Help think of alternatives to smoking such as, healthy snacks, puzzles, yoga

-Be their cheerleader

-Remind them there is help available when they are ready to quit, such as Quit Core.

Quit Core is a free group cessation program that provides support for adults 18 and older. The six-week program is offered by trained leaders where you will discover many quitting support techniques. This group connects you with others who are also quitting, you will get support, share experiences and learn strategies to quit.

One of the most effective ways to successfully quit is to have a plan. There are many things to consider before you quit. Will you use stop smoking medication? A nicotine replacement therapy? Should you set a quit date? What are your triggers for smoking?

How will you manage stress? Boredom? Social situations?

Through Quit Core you will learn how to design a quit plan that works best for you. There is no fee, but you must pre-register.

The next session in Medicine Hat starts Jan. 22 running 6:30-8 p.m. and in Redcliff, the next Quit Core sessions run 6-7:30 p.m. beginning Feb. 25. In Lethbridge they begin Feb. 12 running 5:30-7 p.m. For more information about the program please call Michelle 403-529-3582 or Rita 403-502-8224. To register for Quit Core, please call 1-866-710-QUIT (7848).

Rita Aman is a health promotion facilitator with Alberta Health Services. She can be reached by email at

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