March 3rd, 2025

What’s Up Doc?: My take on New Year’s resolutions

By Medicine Hat News on January 8, 2019.

“Many years ago, I made a New Year’s resolution to never make New Year’s resolutions. Hell, it’s been the only resolution I’ve ever kept!” — D.S. Mixell, writer

My first column of 2019 happens to be my 700th column. I have written many columns on the subject of New Year’s resolutions.

In all honesty, I cannot say I have never made any New Year’s resolutions. But after failing to keep any or some of my wishes I quit making them.

New Year’s resolution is to reflect uponself-improvementannually. This tradition has been going on for centuries. Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to spark positive change. Studies after studies have shown the success rate of people following their New Year’s resolution is moderate to low.

In one study, 35 per cent of participants who failed their New Year’s Resolutions admitted they had unrealistic goals, 33 per cent of participants didn’t keep track of their progress and a further 23 per cent forgot about it. About one in 10 respondents claimed they made too many resolutions.

A 2007 study byRichard Wisemanfrom theUniversity of Bristolinvolving 3,000 people showed failure rate to be 88 per cent.

People who make New Year’s resolutions are serious about self-improvement, or at least have the desire for it. Usually the goals are too ambitious.

Here is my take on it. I apply the KISS principle. I tell myself, “Keep It Simple Stupid.” Now I follow what I call a common sense approach.

1. Avoid loneliness — Research has linked social isolation to increased risks of cardiovascular disease, dementia, depression and anxiety.

2. Enjoy life — According to an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (March 4, 2014) enjoyment of life was associated with reduced risk of developing impaired activities of daily living and with a slower decline in gait speed. Find humour around you.?

3. Follow the Mediterranean diet — This is generally considered to be world’s healthiest diet. It is abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and olive oil. It features fish and poultry over red meat.

4. Motion is lotion — Keep moving. It lubricates you joints and tightens up your muscles. It is important to walk fast. Slow walking speed is considered an early marker of disability and frailty, as well as a predictor of dementia, admission to a long-term health facility and death. Exercise regularly. There are many options, such as walking, stretching, treadmill, elliptical, swimming, gym, yoga, tai chi and many others. There is always something you can do that meets with your physical capacity. Treadmill is a very popular indoor cardio equipment. Keep your workout interesting by joining a group. Your body, use it or lose it.

5. Have a positive outlook — Positive outlook equals longer healthy life. Positive effective well-being (i.e. feelings of happiness and enjoyment) has been associated with longer survival and reduced incidence of serious illness. Meditate about 10 to 20 minutes each day.

Nearly 80 per cent of American adults are not meeting theU.S. government’s physical activity guidelines. I don’t think the Canadian numbers are any different. That means millions of people are missing out on thebenefitsthat exercise and healthy life style provides forheart health, cognition, sleep,mental health, cancer risk,blood pressure, and more.

Follow these five steps to good health. You will not regret it. Peace!

Dr. Bharwani is a general surgeon, freelance writer, budding photographer and author of A Doctor’s Journey and Doctor B’s Eight Steps to Wellness. His latest book is available at Shoppers Drug Mart and Coles Book Store (Medicine Hat Mall), Nutter’s (Dunmore Road), You can discuss this column and other columns on his website: and sign up for RSS feed, Twitter or get on the email list.

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