March 3rd, 2025

By the Way: Farewell, and amen

By Medicine Hat News on November 17, 2018.

Jesus brought us to St Barnabas Anglican Church, Medicine Hat, almost 20 years ago. Our first Sunday was April 18, 1999. And now we’re about to embark on another stage in our journey as we move to Regina at the end of the month. It will be the 10th move since we were married. Another shaker. We feel a bit rattled, excited and sad all at once. Our Medicine Hat sojourn is the longest stretch we’ve ever lived in one place. We’ve come to appreciate the stability and sense of security. What a blessing it’s been! As we go I’d like to leave some words of appreciation and gratitude with you.

First, to the wonderful St. Barnabas saints who I got to serve for 15 years as priest and pastor. We’ve continued to enjoy worshipping with you since I joined you in the pews when I retired in 2014. From that Meet the New Pastor gathering in 1999 and my amazement when Hazel Woolven, a tiny saint, put her hand on my arm and told me she’d been a member of St Barnabas for 70 years(!) and on through all the joys and sorrows of the sweet-spirited journey sharing in Christian community that followed, I thank you all, in the name of the Lord. A word for you (and for every other citizen of this fair city) from Jesus: the Father himself loves you! (John 16.27) There’s more there. Look it up.

To my many colleagues in ministry from across the full spectrum of theology and church-person-ship — from the wild-eyed charismatics, and the more sober evangelicals to my fellow mainliners — I’ve enjoyed your differences and serving with you all in both the Medicine Hat and District Ministerial Association and the Medicine Hat Evangelical Association (I even got to be president of the Evangelical Association for several years, which was a great irony since I couldn’t have been a member in some of your churches because I haven’t been baptized in enough water!). A word for you all and I believe it is from the Lord: Do not neglect to meet together to encourage one another (Heb 10.25). This gives the relationships among you the precious time they need to grow. Jesus inhabits good relationships and gives life through them.

Finally, to all Medicine Hat folk who have been so hospitable, generous and kind. Thank you. As we go I pray this classical Anglican Prayer Book blessing over you all:

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you and remain with you always. Amen.

And Amen. Jesus loves you!

By the Rev Canon Gene Packwood (Gene blogs at GENEralities and can be found on Facebook and Twitter)

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