March 4th, 2025

Pecha Kucha night Saturday offers chance to hear interesting speakers and to see the new Veiner Centre

By Medicine Hat News on September 27, 2018.

Medicine Hat News

If you are interested in seeing the newly renovated Veiner Centre while listening to interesting community members share stories on topics that they are passionate about, then Saturday’s Pecha Kucha, Vol. 19, is for you.

Pecha Kucha nights are informal, fun gatherings where creative people get together and share in the 20×20 format — 20 slides x 20 seconds talking about each slide. This keeps the presentations short but informative.

Doors open at 7:30 p.m., with the first presentation beginning at 8:20. There is a suggested donation of $5, and hearing assistance is available. Snacks and refreshments are for sale.

The lineup for the evening:

1. LaVerne Noble — The Phoenix-like Reinvention of the Veiner Centre

2. Mike Orsini — Ironman: One Athlete’s Journey

3. Randy Taves — Medicine Hat Parks for All

4. Kirsten Spek — Auto immune diseases, infertility, and medical marijuana

5. Darlene Kanski — Cats I have known

6. Rondi Neuven — Harness the Hangry: A Thrifty Girl’s Tale of Transformation

7. Cathy Linowski — More than just a dog park

8. David and Susan Chow — The Fostering Life

9. René Grigat — You are never too old for LEGO

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