March 4th, 2025

By the Way: Inspired by Headstones

By Medicine Hat News on September 22, 2018.

Some months ago, I attended a Headstones concert at the Esplanade. For the record, Headstones are a punk-influenced alt-rock band who formed back in the 80s. I was glad to see they were still rocking after thirty years. One of my favourite Headstones songs is “Smile and Wave” and I hoped they’d perform it that night. I was”t disappointed.

I think the reason I like this song is because of the image it brings to mind of someone standing on the sidewalk, smiling and waving at people as they pass by. I imagine someone who is well aware of others’ negative perceptions and/or judgments, but who nevertheless persists in spreading a little light in the world. I imagine a person — in fact, I’d like to be that person — who simply desires to wish others well without suffering under the burden of others’ opinions.

As a Christian and a Facebook user, I think I must be at best a martyr and at worst a masochist. On social media, everyone has an opinion. Furthermore, it’s very important that everyone else knows one’s opinion. Some posts are benign. Who doesn’t love videos of cute kittens and bouncing baby goats, after all? Others posts have been so negative, even hateful at times. Sometimes it’s all I can do to keep from expressing my own opinion of such opinionated posts, but when I can manage to keep my fingers off the keyboard, I’m always grateful for the spiritual gift of forebearance.

I imagine when Jesus was walking the roads of Galilee and Judea, he greeted everyone with a smile and a wave. He must have known the opinions — good, bad, or indifferent — others held of him, his ministry, and his disciples. But instead of being drawn into rabbit-hole arguments, or reacting harshly to others’ opinions, Jesus reminded everyone he met that good will, compassion, and love (Matthew 22:34-40) were infinitely more worthwhile and rewarding pursuits than gratuitous drama and controversy.

So the next time we find ourselves facing the consequences of voicing our own negative opinions, or when we rankle at others’ negative opinions, let’s think of the One who walked a dusty road to Jerusalem and who faced all kinds of negative opinions about his ministry of compassion, mercy and grace. Let’s think about the One who carried his Cross with nothing but love, peace and goodwill in his heart for all of us — even those who crucified him, and let’s do everything we can to follow his example.

For my part, when you and I see each other on the street, I’ll be watching for your smile and wave.

Kristy Reimers-Loader is chaplain, Medicine Hat Ecumenical Campus Ministry.

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