March 4th, 2025

Seniors News and Views for September

By Medicine Hat News on August 27, 2018.

What is DILLS?

DILLS (Drop In Life-long Learning Series) are workshops and sessions offered at the Veiner Centre for seniors.

At a DILLS session you can expect to learn about various topics that are focused on and relevant to seniors. In the past, DILLS participants have learned about such topics as: conflict resolution, grief and loss, personality types and interpersonal connections, personal boundaries, dating after the loss of a spouse, and much more.

DILLS is prepared and led by the capable staff at Medicine Hat Family Service, on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

All sessions are held in the beautiful new Veiner Centre.

Registering for a workshop confirms that you will be able to take part as space is limited. To register, you can call the Veiner Centre: 403-529-8307, or sign up through the receptionist when you are in the building.

Join us Sept. 26 at 10 a.m. as we kick off a fresh new year of DILLS. Come and learn what DILLS is all about and have your say about what topics you would like to see discussed. We’d love to see you there! Veiner Centre membership is not necessary to attend.

Wellness Wednesday Events

“Adrift” – Movie Matinee — 12:30 p.m. Sept. 5

Tami Oldham and Richard Sharp couldn’t anticipate that they would be sailing directly into one of the most catastrophic hurricanes in recorded history. In the aftermath of the storm, Tami awakens to find Richard badly injured and their boat in ruins. With no hope of rescue, Tami must now find the strength and determination to save herself and the only man she has ever loved.

Supportive Counselling Services – Sept. 12, 9 a.m. to noon

Medicine Hat Family Service (MHFS) counselling professionals are pleased to offer in-person consultations on stress management, family issues or health and age-related losses. Call 403-529-8307 to book a free one-hour appointment, in our newly renovated private office in the Veiner Centre. MHFS counselling professionals will be available on site the second Wednesday of each month.

Risk Factors for Developing Dementia – Sept. 19, 10 a.m. to noon

Come hear guest speaker Alariss Schmid, from Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories. Explore the risk factors that you can control and learn about the activities that can improve brain health. There will be lots of time for questions. Please register by calling 403-529-8307.

Closed next Monday

Veiner Centre will be closed for Labour Day on Monday, Sept. 3. Enjoy your holiday!


Sept. 26 — 10 a.m. to noon

Yippee! Drop In Lifelong Learning Series (DILLS) is back at the Veiner Centre. No more unstoppable fan noise to contend with or limited space to move around! Medicine Hat Family Service is a proud community partner, presenting monthly topics promoting well-being of people 50+. DILLS is open to any individual wanting to learn and share. To start the year, we will discuss the purpose of DILLS, and review past topics and consider topics for the future. Come check it out!

Stay tuned

We will be having all kinds of great fun and activities for Active Aging Week! Sept. 23-29. You won’t want to miss it!

Hearing Aids – A Testimonial

For the past few years, my family accused me of being deaf. I laughed it off — accusing them of mumbling, and setting the volume of the television too low.

I decided I would prove to them that I was not losing my hearing. I booked a hearing test. To my surprise, I had hearing loss in both ears. I was fitted with hearing aids and I cannot believe the difference it has made. I didn’t realize how much I was not hearing — like the sound of the signal light blinking in the car. I have turned down the volume on the television. I can actually hear friends who are very soft-spoken without having to ask them to repeat everything they say. Friends are saying that I am even speaking in a softer voice.

You don’t know what you are not hearing until you can actually hear it.

Having my hearing tested has been a positive experience for me. If you have been putting it off, bite the bullet and get your hearing tested. It just might make a difference for you as well.

Pocket Talkers

Are you having a hard time hearing the conversations around you?

Try using a Pocket Talker!

Pocket Talkers are great little devices that you can use when you are at the Strathcona Centre. Simply place the microphone on the table when you are playing cards or having lunch and either use a head set or switch your t-coil enabled hearing aid to the T position. The pocket talker will eliminate a lot of the background noise that may affect your hearing. You can check them out from the receptionist for the duration of your visit.

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