March 4th, 2025

Seniors News and Views for August

By Medicine Hat News on July 30, 2018.

Welcome to the New Veiner Centre!

Five years after the flood, we are so happy to be back in the beautifully renovated Veiner Centre! The new Veiner Centre will bring all of the clubs back together under one roof. Come and check out the new space that will house: cards and table games, darts, shuffle board, billiards, arts & crafts, wellness programming, and a state-of-the-art new commercial kitchen and dining room, and more.

The new Veiner Centre will be open 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday to Friday, and noon to 4 p.m. on Sundays.

Currently, the Strathcona Centre is being renovated and will house the new fitness equipment and active programming once re-opened in the fall 2018.

New rates for Senior’s Centre Memberships are:

$100 annually for a regular membership

$200 annually for a fitness membership (must also purchase a regular membership).

Wellness Wednesday Events

Supportive Counseling Services – Aug. 8, 9 a.m. to noon

Free telephone or in-person consultations with Medicine Hat Family Service professionals on stress management, family issues, or health and age-related losses.

Call 403-504-8026 (MH Family Service) for an appointment.

Dills, Movie Day and Wellness Wednesdays will resume in September. Enjoy your summer!

Closed next Monday

The Veiner Centre will be closed for the Civic Holiday on Aug. 6. Enjoy your holiday!

Thank you

Thank you very much to Norm Emann! Norm took on the dilapidated benches outside the Strathcona Centre and won! He spent time scraping, colour matching and painting to make them more beautiful than the original benches.

Norm is the club chair for the Table Tennis club. If you like to play, come check out their club – currently situated out of the Family Leisure Centre, until the renovations are complete in the Strathcona Centre. You will find the Table Tennis club to be very welcoming and competitive! We often hear laughter roaring from their room. They play Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m.

Hot lunches

Hot lunches will now be provided daily Monday through Friday from 11:30 am — 1:30 pm. Come and check it out!

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