March 4th, 2025

The long and the short of it: Hair cut for a great cause

By Medicine Hat News on April 20, 2018.

Medicine Hat News

A 10-year-old Grade 5 student at River Heights School had his long locks cut off for a great cause Wednesday.

Jaxon Hunt was inspired to donate his long hair after witnessing a fellow student give a presentation on the need for donated hair.

The length of Hunt’s hair and hair styling skills of independent stylist Francine Hill made it a reality during school hours while fellow students watched.

Until hearing his clasmate’s presentation, Hunt said he hadn’t realized how traumatic the hair-loss aspect of treatment could be for those undergoing chemotherapy. This student concluded their presentation by having their own hair cut and donated in front of the whole school.

A couple of years later, one of Jaxon’s classmates did the same thing. Not long after this, a River Heights student who was undergoing chemotherapy lost her hair and Jaxon became even more determined to continue growing his own hair for donation. He did some research to learn more about donating hair for wigs for individuals who experience hair loss and learned that there are many reasons children and adults may lose their hair and that it can take a toll on self-esteem.

He grew his hair for about two years before having it cut. His teacher, Mrs. Keetley, who has also donated her own hair twice, graciously rearranged her schedule to allow Jaxon to have his hair cut in front of the class.

Jaxon and his parents are also grateful to Hill, who is a local yoga instructor besides being a hair stylist. Hill was willing to “drop everything to support our son with this project,” said Jaxon’s mother, Dawn.

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