March 4th, 2025

By the Way: Evil and death were defeated

By Medicine Hat News on March 31, 2018.

NO NEWS GOOD FRIDAY. I have to say that the heading of the advertisement took me aback for a second. Now to be clear it was an ad noting that the Medicine Hat News will not be published on Good Friday and gave alternate dates for advertising and so on.

“No news Good Friday.” That’s what many thought on the first Good Friday. “Nothing to see here, move along.” The religious authorities were convinced that they had gotten rid of an annoyance that dare to challenge their position and power. The political authorities of the Roman Empire nonchalantly passed sentence on Jesus. He was after all just a Jew, a resident of a faraway and somewhat backwater region of the Empire.

Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. There was amazing news on Good Friday. The one and only Son of God, the very embodiment of Love, gave his life freely for the entire world. “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,” states the most familiar of New Testament verses. The Son of God died that dayÉand changed history.

However much the authorities were glad to be rid of him or dismissed him as insignificant, the truth was they were not rid of him nor was he insignificant. On the third day came the biggest news of all: “He is risen.” Evil and even death itself were defeated. The powers of this world were challenged and overcome.

These three days (sometimes called the Triduum) beginning at sundown on Maundy (or Holy) Thursday and running through Resurrection Sunday are the most holy days of the Christian Faith. The observance of Maundy Thursday focuses on the institution of the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion. And also the great love Jesus brought to us. “A new commandment I give you: love one another.” The solemnity of Good Friday and the crucifixion reminds us that it was for our sin he died. Holy Saturday commemorates Christ’s rest in the grave. And of course Easter Sunday brings the good news that Jesus is alive.

There may be no newspaper on Good Friday but there is news — God loves you.

Pastor Jim Bredeson is senior pastor at Victory Lutheran Church.

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